Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
We remember, we honor...

We remember, we honor...

20 May 2015

  Activists of the student Board took active participation in the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory which was held in Karaganda State Medical University. Department on work with youth organized a number of activities to support students ' interest in history and the perpetuation of the memory of the fallen for the freedom and independence of the Motherland.
  The students have been asked to write an essay on "War in the history of my family", to make a journey back in time, to tell about a fighting way of the participant of the Great Patriotic War. Works were being accepted from April 1 to May 1, the competition was attended by students of all courses and faculties of the University.

According to the jury,the best essays on the state language have been presented by Meiramkul Ibadullaeva (1-017 GM), Adilet Zhaksylyk (1-033 GM) and Gauhar Sandibekova (1-052 GM). The winners in the nomination "the Best essay in the Russian language are: Olga Zorina (2-002 NC), Daria Volkova (1-084 GM) and Christina Krasikova (4-097 GM).
  Also from March to April a student contest of wall Newspapers devoted to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory in KSMU was held. The best on the topics of nominations were:
"The memory of the fallen...": Zhansaya Imabi (1-031
Ω) and NRAs Tier (1-012 GM).
  "We remember, we honor...": Gulzira Zhelambaeva (1-078 GM).
"Heroes of the great Patriotic war": Nadezhda Burmistrova (7-055 GM).
From 1 March to 30 April an essay competition among students was organized at the medical College of KSMU. The best works were Janara Gabdullina (101 KGM), Daryna Abilzhanova (101 KGM) and Zaulim Toleutay (201 KNC).
The ceremony of awarding the winners was held on May 12 in the Hall of the Academic Council.
  Department on work with youth is grateful for the assistance in conducting the essay competition faculty of the departments of Kazakh and Russian language, medical College of KSMU.

Asel Mambetova
specialist of Department on work with youth



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