Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Proper nutrition - the key to health.

Proper nutrition - the key to health.

21 May 2015

On May 15, information and preventive action "Proper nutrition-the key to health" organized by the Department of youth affairs in cooperation with the club of initiative students of KSMU with the support of the Karaganda regional center of healthy lifestyle was held in the TH CDS. The main objectives of the action: promotion of healthy eating, motivation of the population to choose a healthy eating behavior, raise awareness about the importance of a healthy diet in preventing disease and promoting health, improving quality of life.

During the action, experts of out-patient hospital №2 of Karaganda measured all comers blood and eye pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels. Teacher of the department of food hygiene, general hygiene and environment Kenzhebekova S.B., held consultations on issues of proper nutrition. Students distributed informational material to all wishers.

 Carried out action contributed to the popularization of a healthy diet as an effective measure to protect public health, ensuring the physical and moral well-being.

The head of the club's initiative students

Khamzina AK



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