Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


Training "The Сoncept of Human Rights"
25 April 2016
The introductory training "Сoncept of Human Rights" was organized by the Youth Information Service of Kazakhstan with the support of National Endowment Democracy (NED) in Karaganda on April 16.General director ofYISK IrinaMednikova (Almaty) was the moderator of the training.
Friendship Matches .
25 April 2016
Student of the Tajik State Medical University named after Abuali ibn Sino Ihsonov Mubtado had two dreams: medicine and football. Mubtado studied at the Medical University and have time to train hard in the youth team "CSKA - Pamir". The time has come to make choice and he chose a medicine.
Partnership of the Department of immunology and allergology with practice medicine
25 April 2016
In the framework of partnership of Karaganda state medical university with practice medicine webinar on the topic: «COLD: current approaches to diagnosis on the basis of international and domestic recommendations» was organized at the Department of immunology and allergology together with a representative of GlaxoSmithKline on 19.04.2016 year.
Meeting of employers with graduates of 2016 of a bachelor degree in "Public health care", "Medical-preventive care"
22 April 2016
The meeting of employers with graduates in «Public health care», «Medical-preventive care» has taken place on April 5, 2016 in Karaganda state medical university.
Trip to Karlag
22 April 2016
On April 14, 2016, students of the University under the leadership of Senior Lecturer of history of Kazakhstan and social and political disciplines Department Dolgopolov Alexander Borisovich and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Preventive Medicine, Biology and Pharmacy Omarova Aynur Kuralbekovnа visited the Museum of memory of victims of political repression, located in the Dolinka settlement.
Workshop: Critical Thinking Technique
21 April 2016
On April19-20, Karaganda State Medical University held a master class for employees of administrative personnel on "Critical Thinking Technique" with business coach of the International Academy of Business, author and creator of the project in the "Institute of mental technology" Kazakhstan on April 19-20
Stay the cource, Abzal!
21 April 2016
On April 8-9, there was Open Cup of the Republic of Kazakhstan in close-handed fight in Karaganda. Tournament organized by the National Federation of Close-handed fight was the qualifying stage for the formation of the National team .
Successful resuscitation!
21 April 2016
Minute of a lifetime is the time when a person is between heavens and earth. Disastrous lady with a scythe fights for a victim with the doctors for life and death. Rescue ambulance came pat, discharges of electric current and after a few weeks, life is in full swing!
Alumni reunion of graduates of the 7th course with the representatives of «border guard service of NSC RK»
21 April 2016
The scheduled reunion of the 7th course graduates on «general medicine» with «Boder guard service of Committee of national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan» took place on April 19, 2016 in Karaganda state medical university.
World Tuberculosis Day - 24 March
21 April 2016
TB is an infectious bacterial disease which caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the most commonly it affects the lungs. TB is the second leading cause of death from a single infectious agent, second only to HIV / AIDS.
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