Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Alumni reunion of graduates of the 7th course with the representatives of «border guard service of NSC RK»

Alumni reunion of graduates of the 7th course with the representatives of «border guard service of NSC RK»

21 April 2016

The scheduled reunion of the 7th course graduates on «general medicine» with «Boder guard service of Committee of national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan» took place on April 19, 2016 in Karaganda state medical university.

There has arrived the lieutenant colonel of a health service of a border guard service of NSC RK – Baykenov Kanat Mukhamedovich to the meeting with about forty graduates of KSMU. During action K.M. Baykenov has told to graduates about importance and advantages, and also features of passing of military service to border guard service of NSC RK.

K.M. Baykenov told that there is deficiency in medical specialists  such as therapists, stomatologists and also infectiologists.  Also he had informed that besides a salary, each medical worker is provided with office housing, or monetary compensation to each family member according to the established standards.

  Following the results of the meeting, K.M. Baykenov has answered numerous questions of graduates, having noted that one of the main advantages of work with border guard service of NSC RK – retirement on a length of service, at the age of 47 years.

  Additionally he has reported that it is possible to look at more detailed information about a service in "border guard service of NSC RK" on the website www.shekaraknb.kz



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