Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Friendship Matches .

Friendship Matches .

25 April 2016

Student of the Tajik State Medical University named after Abuali ibn Sino Ihsonov Mubtado had two dreams: medicine and football. Mubtado studied at the Medical University and have time to train hard in the youth team        "CSKA - Pamir". The time has come to make choice and he chose a medicine.

       Mubtado seriously studying within the framework of  academic mobility , but every day find an hour or two to kick the ball on the playground with his friends.  

      Upon learning that KSMU has a strong football team , Mubtado offered to arrange a friendly match between a team of students from Tajikistan  and the team of KSMU. The idea of organizing an international game has found understanding from university team coach A.K.Tukhmetov. Therefore, a series of friendly games between KSMU team and the team of students from Tajikistan took place on April.

      Of course , the forces of teams were unequal:  our university team is one of the leaders of the student football of region, but guests  compensated for the lack of match practice and trainings the commitment of all players and sincere love for  football. Success was not long in coming: the 4:4 draw did justice to both teams.

After completion of game the both teams shake hands and took photos.

                                                                                                 Sport club of KSMU.



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