Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
World Tuberculosis Day - 24 March

World Tuberculosis Day - 24 March

21 April 2016

TB is an infectious bacterial disease which caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the most commonly it affects the lungs. TB is the second leading cause of death from a single infectious agent, second only to HIV / AIDS. According to WHO, more than 95% of deaths from TB occur in low- and middle-income countries, and the disease is one of the 3 major causes of death among women aged 15 to 44 years.

In healthy people, infection with MT often does not lead to the disease because the immune system, as it were "fenced off" from bacteria. Timely visit to the medical professionals will cure tuberculosis. Over the past 10 years, the joint efforts of TB services, primary care services and promotion of healthy lifestyles, non-governmental organizations succeeded in reducing the incidence up to 58,5, and the mortality rate to 3,8 per 100 thousand  of population. However, taking into account that most of the cases of TB deaths can be prevented, it is necessary to accelerate the fight against it.

From February 24 to March 23 month for tuberculosis prevention, timed to March 24 - World TB Day under the theme: "Kazakhstan is a free country from tuberculosis" is held each year in the regions of the country.  Department of Tuberculosis of KSMU headed by Head of the Department, Ph.D., professor N.S.Tabriz actively participates in seminars and round tables held in our city. The aim of these activities is to expand the knowledge and horizons of students and pupils about the problem of tuberculosis, preventive measures, including avoiding harmful habits, adherence to a balanced diet and physical activity, timely passage of medical examination.

So this year: assistant of TB department conducted lectures, seminars in schools and hostels of KSMU: B.A.Ospanova in a hostel №1, Z.Zh.Dzhaksybekova in the hostel №3, N.M.Serikbaeva - in a hostel №4, M.T.Kozhamuratov in a school №50, L.M.Arapova - in the hostel.№6.

All participants were satisfied, a lot of questions that received exhaustive answers were given. Everybody got a good emotions, complemented their knowledge.

Assistant of Tuberculosis Department of KSMU  L.M. Arapova



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