Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


Happy New Year 2017!
05 January 2017
The New Year 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster is approaching us every day! In anticipation of this beloved holiday, the CSSG of the Faculty of Preventive Medicine, Biology and Pharmacy organized a new year celebration within the faculty.
Healing Hearts by Music...
05 January 2017
On 23 December at Shalkyma Concert Hall, the Youth Work Department organized a joint concert of the creative groups of KSMU and the Academic Orchestra named after Tattimbet.
Meeting of Student Circle at Department of Biological Chemistry
05 January 2017
On 24 December at the Department of Biological Chemistry was held a regular meeting of the Student Circle, where 2-year students of the Faculty of General Medicine B. Kirichek (2-036 group), K. Datsko (2-038group), J. Amirova (2-040group), Elizhan Kadir (2-038group), A. Krylov (2-040group) delivered the reports.
From Heart to Heart
05 January 2017
On 30 December, the Youth Work Department together with “Жұлдыз” Youth Health Center arranged a new year morning performance for the inmates of the Orphanage.
Good Tradition!
04 January 2017
In Karaganda State Medical University a student meeting with the Rector of KSMU R.S. Dosmagambetova has been a good tradition for long.
Teacher - great personality
04 January 2017
17.12.2016 was a very special day for us. On this day, we together with our lecturer of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases Ashirbekova Bolatgul Zhuzbaevna visited the Theater named after S. Seifullin, which glorify spiritual values. We watched an excellent production of “Hamlet”.
Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan
30 December 2016
On December 16, 1991, we, the people of Kazakhstan, chose the sovereignty, freedom, openness to the world. The independence of our country is the most sacred of our nation’s acquisitions.
New Year in every home
29 December 2016
On 26 December, the Youth Work Department together with the Theatrical art circle organized a program for the inmates of the Orphanage for Children with Disabilities.
Celebration at Orphanage
29 December 2016
On 25 December, the Youth Work Department together with the Club of Initiative Students organized a concert program for the inmates of the Orphanage for Children with Disabilities.
Invaluable Work of Teacher...
29 December 2016
Аt the Department of Kazakh Language was conducted an open lesson on the topic “Hypertension” by the Senior Lecturer, Master of Pedagogical Sciences А.К. Alpysbayeva. The lesson was unconventional because the teacher used the innovative methods of teaching, in particular, TBL (team-based leaning).
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