Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Meeting of Student Circle at Department of Biological Chemistry

Meeting of Student Circle at Department of Biological Chemistry

05 January 2017

On 24 December at the Department of Biological Chemistry was held a regular meeting of the Student Circle, where 2-year students of the Faculty of General Medicine B. Kirichek (2-036 group), K. Datsko (2-038group), J. Amirova (2-040group), Elizhan Kadir (2-038group), A. Krylov (2-040group) delivered the reports.

Andrei Krylov familiarized the audience with the stress hormones and showed their importance in everyday life. He provided interesting facts and researches, gave recommendations for behavior of students on exams.

An informative report on qualitative composition and harm of potato chips to the organism was prepared and delivered by E. Kadir. His own research, conducted in a student dormitory, showed that 2 and 3-year students (54%) in comparison to 1-year students (36%) and 4-year students (10%) eat chips more often and have more problems with gastrointestinal tract and biochemical parameters; 58% of them have gastritis.

The presentations of B. Kirichko, K. Datsko and J. Amirova were devoted to the actual topic of the present time, namely the use of anabolic steroids, taken without control in order to build muscle. There was presented information about the structure of these substances, their influence on biochemical parameters of the organism and possible harm. In addition to the theoretical data, the students used the method of blitz survey in their research. The survey, conducted at a student dormitory and at a sports gym, showed that 55% of the respondents knew about the negative effects of anabolic steroids, 30% did not think much about it, 15% of the respondents declared that anabolic steroids make no harm, and those were the people who use steroids.

  The reports aroused great interest among audience; the students actively discussed those issues and came to certain conclusions.

E.V. Burdelnaya, Head of Student Circle, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, acting Associate Professor of Department of Biochemistry.



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