Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Healing Hearts by Music...

Healing Hearts by Music...

05 January 2017

On 23 December at Shalkyma Concert Hall, the Youth Work Department organized a joint concert of the creative groups of KSMU and the Academic Orchestra named after Tattimbet.

  The Academic Orchestra named after Tattimbet was established 17 years ago. The repertoire of the Orchestra includes, in addition to Kazakh folk music, the works of foreign composers. The Orchestra collective cooperates with the best conductors, composers, famous artists and musicians. We can be proud of the fact that KSMU students are also included in this prestigious list!

  In the concert of the Academic Orchestra named after Tattimbet, conducted by the Honored Art Worker of Kazakhstan Duysen Ukibay, took part the following students of KSMU: Duysenbaeva Zhanerke, Rymtaeva Madina, Eralieva Dana, Bainazar Nurylaiym, Tuleev Aidar, Almatov Zeynolla, Zhabagenov Dias, “Жігіттер тобы” and also the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of General Medicine Takhuadina Alia Ibragimovna. It should be noted that all performers were very professional. The audience was fascinated by the wonderful performance of the works of Kurmangazy Sagyrbayuly, Shamshi Koldayakov, Abdymomyn Zheldybaev and other well-known composers, represented by the participants of the concert.

  After the concert, the audience expressed appreciation by a long applause for emotional rewards and good mood.


   Nurtazina Asemgul (4-089 ОM).



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