Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Invaluable Work of Teacher...

Invaluable Work of Teacher...

29 December 2016

A talented teacher has

worthy disciples

Folk wisdom

Аt the Department of Kazakh Language was conducted an open lesson on the topic “Hypertension” by the Senior Lecturer, Master of Pedagogical Sciences А.К. Alpysbayeva. The lesson was unconventional because the teacher used the innovative methods of teaching, in particular, TBL (team-based leaning).

The material of the lesson was provided systematically and comprehensively. Scientific validity and accuracy in revealing of the topic were the main indicators of the lesson. The use of the innovative methodology allowed the students to use rationally the accumulated knowledge, to realize successfully their potential. The play methods and brainstorming, used during the lesson, facilitated a qualitatively new level of knowledge control of students and formulation of conclusions on the results of the material study. The teacher acted as an organizer-conductor, demonstrating the high pedagogical culture, appreciated by the colleagues.



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