Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


Nauryz Meiramy
28 March 2017
Nauryz meiramy is a holiday of spring renovation in Kazakhstan. According to the oriental calendar, Nauryz is the beginning of a new year, and coincides with the spring equinox. This holiday is a symbol of spring renewal, triumph of love, fertility and friendship for Kazakh people.
Kosh keldin, Nauryz (Welcome, Nauryz)
27 March 2017
On 15 March 2017 at 12.00 o’clock at the Department of Public Health No. 1 (40 Gogol Str.), in 325 Auditorium was held a theatrical performance titled “Kosh keldin, Nauryz”.
Nauryz – feast of spring renewal!
27 March 2017
During the course of history Nauryz became a symbolic Kazakh New Year. Traditionally, at this time of the year the celebration of this holiday is beginning. On 17-th of March in the department of “Obstetrics and gynecology” by 7 year interns: 7-001, 7-002, 7-003, 7-004 group were organized a wonderful party.
18 March 2017
Karaganda State Medical University bought new equipment for teaching clinical skills.
Welcome, Nauryz!
18 March 2017
Nauryz is the main holiday of the year of the Turk and Iranian nations that has already been celebrated for over five thousand years. Nauryz is the celebration of spring, revival of nature, beginning of a new year and a new life.
Nauryz Holiday
18 March 2017
On the eve of Nauryz holiday at the Dormitory No. 2 by the Department of General Medical Practice No. 2 was conducted a festive event titled “Kosh keldin, az-Nauryz”. The organizers of the event were the staff of the department and the interns of 6-7 courses of “General medicine” specialty.
Research-based learning for 7-year interns of Department of Internal Diseases No. 1
16 March 2017
On 9 March at the Department of Internal Diseases No. 1, the interns of the 7th year of training of “General medicine” specialty defended scientific projects using the principles of the Research-based learning.
Prevention of Tuberculosis
16 March 2017
On 25 February, the Youth Work Department together with the volunteers of “Zhuldyz” Youth Health Center O. Dzhumagaliev, N. Zholshybek, Z. Meiramkyzy, K. Zhurunova, K. Kanybekova and E. Panferova conducted at the Gymnasiums No. 36 and No. 97 an information action dedicated to the prevention of tuberculosis.
15 March 2017
We congratulate Chingiz Sayasatov, the student of group 1-035 GM, and O.I. Levina, his scientific supervisor and teacher of Foreign Languages Department, on the victory (1st degree Diploma) in VI-th International on-line English Olympiad organized by the Public Fund “International Academy of Ecology, Engineering and Pedagogical Sciences”.
Giving of the master-class “Special aspects of professional-oriented language teaching in high schools” by the department of foreign languages
15 March 2017
From 20th of February till 3rd of March, 2017, the master’s program students of Central-Kazakhstan Academy had the opportunity to take part in the master-class “Special aspects of professional-oriented language teaching in high schools” given by the head of the department of foreign languages, c.p.s. V.A. Burmistrova, in the framework of their scientific internship. The participants of the master-class made acquaintance with actual themes for their professional activity, such as:
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