Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Prevention of Tuberculosis

Prevention of Tuberculosis

16 March 2017

On 25 February, the Youth Work Department together with the volunteers of “Zhuldyz” Youth Health Center O. Dzhumagaliev, N. Zholshybek, Z. Meiramkyzy, K. Zhurunova, K. Kanybekova and E. Panferova conducted at the Gymnasiums No. 36 and No. 97 an information action dedicated to the prevention of tuberculosis.

  The main objective of the meeting was to familiarize the pupils with the symptoms of disease, clinical course, progress of disease, prevention and fight against it.

  At the beginning of the action, the students conducted an express survey of pupils in order to find out what they knew about tuberculosis. Then they told in a user-friendly format about the disease, conducted educational and entertaining games and gave answers to the questions.

  The pupils were active and expressed interest in the topic.

   Ondas Dzhumagaliev (2-038 OM)



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