Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


Tournament in Astana
21 November 2016
XIV Republican debate tournament for the Cup of “Nur Otan” National Democratic Party was held in Astana. The tournament is dedicated to celebration of 25th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
First-year student – 2016
21 November 2016
Annual Student Spartakiad “First-year student – 2016” ended up with a table tennis tournament.
Remember and think!
21 November 2016
On 14 November, Youth Work Department together with Club of Initiative Students held an action titled “Remember and think” dedicated to the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims.
Meeting of young journalists and bloggers
21 November 2016
On 16 November at “Apart Hotel” was held II City Meeting of young journalists and bloggers. In the event took part the students of the Department of Journalism, bloggers, young journalists, mass media representatives, who actively report about the life of the youth of our city.
Training program "Higher Education in the field of cardiology"
18 November 2016
Professor Jobst Nitsch (Germany) arrived at Karaganda State Medical University on the 9th of November, 2016 with training program "Higher Education in the field of cardiology."
Fight against smoking and lung cancer prevention
18 November 2016
On 10 November at KSMU (36 Gogol Street), Department of Oncology held a roundtable meeting on topic “Fight against smoking and lung cancer prevention” within “Денсаулық” program of the Roadmap of activities for a healthy lifestyle. 4 and 5-year students of “General medicine” specialty were invited to the roundtable discussion.
Mediation as modern solution to medical disputes or how to protect doctor in contemporary reality
17 November 2016
With onset of globalization, increase in interdependence of medical communities of different states, enhancement of legal and general education of a patient, the lawsuits in the field of medical environment all over the civilized world undergo significant changes.
About activityof Department of Kazakh Language of KSMU for career guidance
17 November 2016
On 10-11 November, Associate Professors of Department of Kazakh Language of KSMUS.Zh. Shahina and A.B. Ashirbekova visited Gymnasium No. 97 and met with the pupils of 11 grade and their parents for conducting a discussion on career guidance.
Ideas Changing World
16 November 2016
On 8-9 November, a training seminar “Ideas Changing the World” was held in Astana.
Objective perception through subjective development
15 November 2016
Process of learning is not repetition, And classes are not tests. On 5 November, at Department of Kazakh Language of КSMU was conducted an interactive lesson on topic “Diseases of cardiovascular system” on “Professional Kazakh Language” discipline.
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