Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Objective perception through subjective development

Objective perception through subjective development

15 November 2016

Process of learning is not repetition, And classes are not tests.

On 5 November, at Department of Kazakh Language of КSMU was conducted an interactive lesson on topic “Diseases of cardiovascular system” on “Professional Kazakh Language” discipline. The lesson, conducted under the guidance of Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor M.А. Maretbaeva, was of problematic nature, adopted through RBL technology. The structure of the lesson distinguished by its rich content, system and comprehensive approach to solving problems and thereby developed communication skills of the students.

At each stage of the lesson, the students showed their abilities and skills on the topic of the lesson. There was interesting and informative defence of projects and also playing moments. The students acted in the role of analysts.

Thus, the students of Associate Professor M.А. Maretbaeva proved their professional competence through their knowledge.

All teachers present enjoyed the interactive lesson, conducted in accordance with RBL technology, because it was held in a very cordial and relaxed atmosphere and was of cognitive and educative nature.



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