Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


Meeting with a theologian
11 December 2017
On November 14, the Youth Affairs Department organized a meeting of the teachers of KSMU with theologian of the "Nurly bilim" public association A.K.Abdrashev.
Topical isssues of HIV infection
08 December 2017
On the eve of December 1-World Day against AIDS stuff of Immunology and Allergology Department, together with third-year groups faculty of «General medicine» was held a round table on HIV prevention.
Discussion of questions of the professional practice completion
08 December 2017
The Department of Clinical Work and Employment of Graduates has held the finalmeeting on discussion of work programs of professional practice of the"General Medicine" specialtyat the Karaganda state medical university on December 5, 2017.The meeting was attended by B.N. Kosherova vice rector for clinical work and continuous professional development, responsible teachers of professional practice, head,specialist in professional practice of the Department of Clinical Work and Employment of Graduat
Master-class to foreign students of KSMU for confirmation diplomas in the Medical Council of India.
07 December 2017
During the academic year, quarterly the Deanery of the International Medical Faculty together with the "Team Motivation coaching academy" (India) on the basis of the KSMU conducts master classes for graduating foreign students the purpose of which is the successful confirmation of the diplomas of KSMU in the Medical Council of India.
Congratulations on your victory!
06 December 2017
Students of the 1-006 group of the "General Medicine" specialty Kairat Aida and Kameli Amina under the leadership of the senior teacher of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and SPD M.T. Aliyeva took the III place in the Regional competition of scientific projects " Елбасының тарихи жобалары мен бастамалары " ("Historical projects and initiatives of the Head of the nation ").
Fundamental and applied research in the modern world
05 December 2017
On November 23-24, 2017 the 65th international scientific - practical conference was held at the TSMU named after AbualiIbni Sino (Dushanbe)on the topic of "Fundamental and applied research in the modern world."
«Right for health»
05 December 2017
A large-scale action entitled "The Right for Health" dedicated to the World AIDS Day was held at the Palace of Children and Youth in Karaganda on November 29. Organizers of the event are specialists of the regional
Scientific internship of a doctoral student in St. Petersburg
05 December 2017
From November 13 to November 25, 2017, the second year doctoral student in the “Medicine” specialty, Stabayeva Leila, had an internship at the Center for preclinical and translational research of the Institute of experimental medicine of the FGBU “Northwestern Federal Medical Research Center named after V.A Almazov MH RF” (St. Petersburg, Russia) under the supervision of the head of the pathomorphological laboratory, Professor Vsevolod Alexandrovich Zinserling, who is also a scientific adviser t
R.S. Alimkhanova and N.T. Abatov - two professors of KSMU became winners of the national project "100 new faces of Kazakhstan"!
05 December 2017
The program "100 new facesof Kazakhstan" is implemented within the framework of the article of the President "Looking into the future: modernization of public consciousness".
Charity event to the day of Independence in house for the disabled children, organized by the Department of Children Diseases No1
04 December 2017
My homeland is a beautiful country - the Republic of Kazakhstan. This is a great country with an ancient history, culture and vast land nature. If you go deeper into history, then it took two thousand years for Kazakhstan to get its independence thousands of people fought for our country, many died for the future of their Motherland. Since ancient times, the ancestors defended our lands from the raids of jumap. In the period of tsarism people saw death and injustice, grief and unhappiness, they
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