Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


The development of internationalization
29 March 2019
The Karaganda Medical University and the Cote d'Azur University have signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The document has marked the onset of mutually beneficial relations in the field of healthcare, research and culture between our universities.
Scientific internship at the University of Poitiers
29 March 2019
The employees of Karaganda Medical University, Marina Sorokina - Associate Professor of the Department of Informatics and Biostatistics and Yevgeniya Kolesnikova - Associate Professor of the Department of Biological Chemistry completed a monthly scientific internship at the Faculty of Fundamental and Applied Sciences in the Laboratory for the study of receptors and their regulation in tumor cells (2RCT laboratory, EA 3842, CAPTuR team) of the University of Poitiers, France.
Continuity of generations
29 March 2019
« I graduated from Karaganda State Medical Academy, studied under the program "Bolashak". The diploma, which we received in Kazakhstan, was quoted everywhere. Its value depends on you", - says well-known in the Republic neurosurgeon Berdikhodjaev Mynzhylky Sailauovich, which became one of the winners of the project "100 new faces of Kazakhstan".
Say “NO” to tuberculosis!
29 March 2019
On March 27, 2019, activists of the KSSU of the HLS sector of the school of public health and pharmacy held an intellectual game called “Mycobacterium tuberculosis” dedicated to the World Fight Against Tuberculosis Day. The main goal of the event is to increase students' awareness of tuberculosis prevention, stimulate interest in this problem, and foster a responsible attitude to their health.
Nauryz - a holiday of spring, love and abundance
29 March 2019
A friendly team of teachers of the children's infectious diseases cycle organized a festive concert dedicated to the Nauryz holiday. Particularly active students were the ones involved in the cycle. These are 6034 group of interns-paediatricians, 7091, 7092, 7112, 7113 - groups of interns - GP, 4045, 4012, 4013, 4038,4039 - groups of GM.
Congratulations to a colleague with a victory in a professional competition!
28 March 2019
The results of the«TEACHER OF KAZAKHSTAN-2019» annual Republican pedagogical competition, held by the «Bilim – Образование – Education» Republican scientific and pedagogical center, were summed up. Saule Amangeldiyevna Mussabekova, associate professor of the Department of Pathology, won the competition in the nomination «Best Master-Class».
In team interaction
28 March 2019
Teachers Menshova Y.P. and Kapasheva A.S. of the “Informatics and Biostatistics” department visited “Bolashak” Academy as part of the academic mobility program. Lessons of «Information and communication technologies» discipline were held for the 1st year students of "Pharmacy" and "Finance" specialties.
Department of medical psychology and communication skills celebrated Nauryz 2019 in an unusual way
27 March 2019
Department of Medical Psychology and Communication Skills during the celebration of Nauryz, as always, threw a celebratory feast. But this year has brought original notes to the celebration of Spring and renewal. Combining traditions and innovations according to the motto of the University, the staff came up with an unusual form of presentation of national women's skills, having arranged an exam for kalyndyk (bride) in the form of a General structured clinical exam.
Welcome, Nauryz!
27 March 2019
Nauryz is the main holiday of the year among Turk and Iranian nations that has already been celebrated for over five thousand years. Nauryz is the celebration of spring, renewal of nature, beginning of a new year and a new life.
Generous holiday az-Nauryz
20 March 2019
On March 19, 2019, the school of nursing education held a festive event dedicated to Nauryz with the participation of students, SGC activists, curators, teachers and the Dean's office.
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