Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


Volunteer Year
06 February 2020
Kassym-Zhomart Tokaev, president of the country, declared that 2020 year will be Year of the Volunteer in Kazakhstan. This initiative of the head of state will give a new impetus to the development of volunteering in the country and will serve to create an enabling environment for volunteering.
The tournament of the national basketball league
04 February 2020
The basketball teams of MUK have taken a part in the republican tournament of the national basketball league of Kazakhstan. Youth team has come third and girls ream has taken the second place and entered to the semifinal under the 1st tour results of the Central division.
Ambulance is the champion!
31 January 2020
The ambulance team won the completed XXI KMU Football Championship. The players of the ambulance team for the first time became university champions defeating the KarSTU team in the final.
Volunteers rush to help
30 January 2020
Many elderly persons became hostages of the weather after heavy snowfall in Karaganda. Volunteers of our university helped to clean the territory and courtyards of single pensioners. Activists cleared the territories along Satpayev street, Prigorodnaya street and N. Nazarbayev avenue.
The international cooperation
28 January 2020
As part of the project “Modernization of Higher Education at the Tajik State Medical University named after Abuali ibni Sino ”on the basis of KMU from January 20 to 24, 2020, nine employees of ATSMU were trained in three modules:
We share experience with colleagues in simulation education
28 January 2020
From January 20 to 24, 2020, the full-time component of continuing education courses “Advanced training course for trainers and employees of a medical educational organization under the module
Results of the games
28 January 2020
Results of the XXXVI Spartakiad of the faculty and staff of the CMU From 20 to 24 January 2020
Points of contact between entrepreneurship and reading
23 January 2020
Enactus is an international organization that aims to improve people's lives through entrepreneurial actions.
Results of the 3rd Day of the Competitions
23 January 2020
The third day of the competition is over . Here are the results:
Successful realization of the joint project
23 January 2020
In the period from 20 to 24 January, a delegation from Tajikistan visited NAO "Medical University of Karaganda" in the frame of the project "Modernization of higher education at the Avicenna Tajik State Medical University."
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