Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Ambulance is the champion!

Ambulance is the champion!

31 January 2020

The ambulance team won the completed XXI KMU Football Championship. The players of the ambulance team for the first time became university champions defeating the KarSTU team in the final.

Interestingly, these teams met in the match for the title of champion for the second tournament in a row. In the first final, the ambulance players were unable to withstand the might of the KarSTU forward Daniyar Imanzhanov and the excellent  game of goalkeeper Asylzhan Ospanov. The second final was the result of serious work on the mistakes.

10 teams took part in the XXI Championship of KMU on football:

“GP” (captain Tolegenov Akzhol), “Dormitory  3” (captain Shinazbekov Zhumabek), “General Medicine” (captain Abdikarim Turar), “The ambulance team” (captain Asainov Saken), “Academy” (captain Serikbaev Diyar), “Internship ”(Captain Kairbekov Almaty),“ Graduates ”(captain Alpysbaev Akezhan),“ Lodgers ”(captain Aitbaev Zhaksysylyқ) and our traditional guests of the KSTU team (captain Serikkali Kurmangaly) and KSTU-2 (captain Nurmanov Nurlybek) .

At the first stage, all teams were divided into 2 groups, 5 in each. Then the teams that took 1-2 places continued the fight for places 1 to 4, remaining for places 5 to 10. In the semifinals, the ambulance team defeated GP 14:3 and KarSTU defeated the GM 3-2 in the penalty shootout (main time 9: 9). The match for the 7th-8th places of KSTU-2 is “Dormitory 3” 5: 0, for 5-6 “Lodgers” - “Graduates” 12:11, for 3-4 “GP” - “GM” 18:9 and thus, the ambulance and KarSTU met again in the final.

In the final of the XXI championship, the ambulance  from the first seconds began to actively pressure the opponent, pressing against the goal and not allowing to cross the center of the field. Forwards Ersin Abdіkhamitov and Saken Asainov who were supported by Akhmed Kasumov, Kerim Beisenbin and Bektur Maratuulu effectively acted in the attack. Attempts to counterattack neutralized the defenders Islam Shaimurat and Azamat Kasymov. When the defenders did not help out the goalkeeper Damir Mendygaliev (named the best goalkeeper of the tournament) entered the game.

In the second half of KSTU, with the efforts of Mukhambetzhan Galym tried to turn the game around, but the ambulance pressure neutralized all resistance attempts. A convincing victory for the ambulance 10:4 and the long-awaited revenge!

The symbolic team of the championship was determined by the results of the tournament:

Best goalkeeper: Mendibekov Damir (The Ambulance)

The best defender: Mukhambetzhan Galym (KarSTU)

Best forward: Akhmedov Maksat (GM)

Best player: Kasymov Azamat (The Ambulance).

In addition, the best players in individual nominations were named:

“The most technical player”:  Shinazbekov Zhumabek (Dormitory 3)

"The most useful player":  Bapiev Abylay (Lodgers)

"The best fighter":  Amanov Bekzat (KarSTU 2)

“Opening of the season”: Maratuly Dauren (Graduates).

All participants of the tournament received memorable prizes from MFC KMU.

  The Youth Affairs Departmen,

   Center of Physical Health



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