Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


Discussed issues related to immunity
27 April 2021
The international scientific student online conference "Cellular fundamentals of immune reactions", dedicated to the centenary of the Omsk State Medical University and the centenary of its Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology was held on April 20, 2021. The chairman of the organizing committee was Professor of the Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Omsk State Medical University" of the Ministry
Raising the potential of health workers for emergency care in Karazhal
27 April 2021
Aisha Abenovna, the coach of the Center for Simulation and Educational technologies NCJSC “KMU" from April 21 to 23, 2021, conducted training “The Basic Emergency Skills" for the staff (30 people) of the Central Hospital, Karazhal.
Medical University full of rich traditions which attracts graduates
26 April 2021
Mendibay Saltanat Tanashkyzy is the teacher of the School of Public Health and Biomedicine, conducted career guidance work among the graduates of secondary schools № 57, 68 of Karaganda and high school Aktubek of Zhanarka district of Karaganda region. The meetings were held among the 11th grade students on Zoom platform.
Anti-obesity Day at the Department of Internal Diseases
23 April 2021
As part of the educational work at the Department of Internal Diseases, responsible Serikbayeva A. A and Tauеsheva Z. B, also 4th-year students of the specialty "General Medicine", studying in the discipline "Endocrinology" in the rehabilitation center "Tulpar", in continuation of the theme of the event held on November 16, 2020 dedicated to "World Diabetes Day"a series of messages prepared and conducted on the topic "Obesity as a factor in the development of diabetes".
An on-line tournament on тоғыз құмалақ
22 April 2021
On April 17, the physical health center hold the online tournament on тогыз-кумалак among the university’s students withing the framework of "Рухани жаңғыру" program.
Career guidance work of the school Public Health and Biomedicine with graduates of secondary schools №77, №36, №82 of Karaganda
22 April 2021
Assistant Professor of the school of Public Health and Biomedicine Beisekova M. M. conducted career guidance work, informing graduates of schools №77, №36, №82 of Karaganda about the student benefits and available majors in the "Medical University of Karaganda" on the Zoom platform
Professional orientation of future medical specialists
21 April 2021
The problem of choosing a profession has always faced high school students, and now it is becoming particularly relevant in connection with the changes taking place in our society. Therefore, one of the areas of work of the NPJSC «Medical University of Karaganda» is the professional orientation of school students.
Comprehensive Systematic Review Training
20 April 2021
04/14/2021 passed the first training module under the comprehensive systematic review program of the JBI Institute, the University of Adelaide, organized by the Karaganda Medical University and the JAMK University of Applied Sciences.
Improved the skills of operative surgery in obstetrics and gynecology
20 April 2021
Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology Ya.G. Turdybekova, within the framework of academic mobility, a cycle "Operative surgery in obstetrics and gynecology" was conducted for 6th year students of the medical faculty at the Ryazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Classes were held from 03.30.21 to 04.08.21 on the ZOOM platform.
"Rational nutrition - the key to health"
20 April 2021
On April 16, 2021, a meeting was held with students of the specialized boarding school named after N. Nurmakov in Karaganda. The meeting was held by Associate Professor of the School of Public Health, Biomedicine and Pharmacy of the Medical University of Karaganda, Candidate of Medical Sciences Amreeva Kymbat Eralievna on the topic "rational nutrition-the key to health" and for the purpose of career guidance. The meeting was held on the Zoom platform.
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