Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Anti-obesity Day at the Department of Internal Diseases

Anti-obesity Day at the Department of Internal Diseases

23 April 2021

As part of the educational work at the Department of Internal Diseases, responsible Serikbayeva A. A and Tauеsheva Z. B, also 4th-year students of the specialty "General Medicine", studying in the discipline "Endocrinology" in the rehabilitation center "Tulpar", in continuation of the theme of the event held on November 16, 2020 dedicated to "World Diabetes Day"a series of messages prepared and conducted on the topic "Obesity as a factor in the development of diabetes".

The students prepared presentations in which the issues of proper nutrition, physical activity, methods of calculating the daily calorage in accordance with physical and mental stress, and the distribution of food products in accordance with the daily need were discussed. Patients actively participated, questions were asked on the topic under discussion, which were answered, an approximate daily diet was calculated and a diet was compiled for patients who participated in the dialogue, and material on proper nutrition was distributed.



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