Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


Care of veterans.
18 March 2015
Veterans are participants of the great feat and great tragedy.We owe it exactly to these people that we are alive. There are less and less of them every year.We, thankful descendants must do everything possible to make them smile.
Poetic competition.
17 March 2015
The XІ city poetic competition of the name of О.Bokey and М.Makataev was conducted on February 24, in S.Seyfullin Kazakh drama theatre at the assistance of SD "Department of culture and development of languages".
Tournament of friendship
17 March 2015
On the 5-th of March, B. Beysenov’s Karaganda State Academy of Ministry of Internal Affairs held the opened debate tournament "Youth is an Intellectual Potential of Kazakhstan" devoted to the 20 anniversary of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan.
To know folk through his traditions
17 March 2015
Department of Kazakh language organized and conducted competition «Салт – дәстүр – асыл қазына» among the students of non-indigenous nationality of the Karaganda universities on March 12, 2015 in the assembly hall of Karaganda State Medical University. Competition was dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan and the celebration of Nowruz.
«Baursak fiesta»
17 March 2015
«Baursak fiesta» organized by «Ақжүніс» Medical Lady Vitae On March 14, 2015 in the first hostel of The Karaganda State Medical University was. There were representatives of hostels, students on academic mobility, dean of faculty of the general medicine and stomatology, inspectors, vice rectors, teachers and other dear guests on this holiday.
The regular meeting of the student scientific circle washeld at the Department of Biological Chemistryоn the «Metabolism study»
17 March 2015
The regular meeting of the student scientific circle washeld on March14, 2015 at the Department of Biological Chemistry.
The methodological week of the CMC of SD №2
13 March 2015
As a part of the methodological week of the cyclic commission of special disciplines №2 of KSMU, medical college teachers together with the representatives of SI branch of CDM CES MIA of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Karaganda region held the event on the topic: “First aid in case of accident” for the 3rd and the 4th year students of the specialty "Medicine"
Forever in Human Memory
13 March 2015
Regional competition of the staged military patriotic and soldier's song "Forever in Memory Human" took place on February 27, 2015 in the run- up to the memorable date – the 70 anniversary of the Victory in the Patriotic war at the initiative of Shahtinsk technological college. The students of KSMU medical college took part in competition:
Honoring of women veterans
13 March 2015
In 2 months, our country will celebrate the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer gray-haired veterans now.Each of them has her own front-line biography.The World War II for the mobile field hospital paramedic Kiseleva Anastasia Nikolaevna and typists Anna Ivanovna Popova is the first and foremost invaluable experience, which was paid a high price.
Innovative methods of diagnosis and emergency treatment for diseases of the circulatory organs at the prehospital stage
13 March 2015
From the 2nd to the 6th of March, on the basis of the Regional Ambulance Station of Karaganda, the Department of Ambulance and Emergency Medical Care №1 conducted a master class on topic “Innovative methods of diagnosis and emergency treatment for diseases of the circulatory organs at the prehospital stage”.
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