Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


Development of pedagogical competence of the Academic teaching staff of KSMU
28 February 2018
Since February 19, 2018, the training courses for development the pedagogical competence of the KSMU ATS have begun on the basis of the Center for the Transfer of Innovative Technologies.
Republican terminological conference
27 February 2018
In order to implement the Action Plan for 2017-2019 (Stage III) for the implementation of the State Program for the Development and Functioning of Languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan on February 26, 2018, there was held a visiting meeting of the terminological commission at the republican level on the topic "Optimization of medical glossaries applied in the official language of Greek-Latin terms approved at the international level"with the participation of specialists dealing with the
27 February 2018
We congratulate students of the faculty “General Medicine and Dentistry” Svetlana Nikolaychuk and Elizabeth Panferova, as well as their scientific advisor O.V. Kalinkina - the senior teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages on the 1st place taken in the IV International scientific and theoretical conference of the students and post graduates “Science and Youth: new ideas and decisions”, which was held on February 23, 2018, in Central Kazakhstan Academy.
Presentation of the Latvia Government scholarships in the frame of the student conference «Med talks»
27 February 2018
On February 23 a student conference «Med talks» was held in KSMU. The organizers of the of the conference were the following students: Nurzhan Sabir, Temirlan Doszhanov, Ravkhat Telmanov, Diana Blyalova.
27 February 2018
Congratulations to the associate professor of the department Saule Amangeldievu Musabekova on winning the prestigious "Teacher-Innovator" competition organized by the ERG (Eurasian Group) in partnership with the Association of Friends of Tel Aviv University and Almaty Management University in the framework of the project "Ecosystem of Student Entrepreneurship". We wish success in the implementation of the project and further creative success!
Profession-Oriented Educational Exhibition “Graduatein World of Profession”
26 February 2018
In accordance with the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev titled “Nurly Zhol – The Path to the Future”, on 23February 2018 at the Resource Center of SPI Secondary General School No. 5 there was organized a profession-oriented educational exhibition “Graduate in World of Profession” for the pupils of 9-11 grades, teacher community and students groups. The aim of the exhibition was the vocational guidance and preparation of pupils for professions and specia
26 February 2018
The Department of Pathological Anatomy congratulates the associate professor of the Department SA.Musabekovа
Students and teachers of KSMU conducted charity events
26 February 2018
On February 17 and 23, students of the International Medical Faculty with teachers of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and SPD - Associate Professor A.K. Aitzhanova and Master A.Kh. Zholоmanova, as well as the Center for Humane Pedagogics, held charitable events in the orphanage for disabled children in development and in a nursing home. 2.
Visit of teachers from the International Kazakh-Turkish University!
23 February 2018
Since February 5, our university has been visited by a delegation of teachers in the framework of academic mobility from the International Kazakh-Turkish University. All the incoming teachers are specialists in various areas and job statuses.
21 February 2018
The Republican Scientific and Pedagogical Center «Білім - Образование - Education» held the International competition «Pedagogical Innovations».
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