Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


December the 1 st - World AIDS Day
06 December 2018
A round table on HIV prevention was held at the Department of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases of the "Epidemiology" discipline with the students of 3001 and 3003 groups of the "Public Health" specialty a round table on HIV prevention was held. The teachers of the discipline and students participated in it.
Congratulations on your great win in the competition “Kazakhstan Spelling Bee 2019”!
05 December 2018
Congratulations to Malika Raspekova, the student of the group 1-024 GM, who has taken the 3rd place in the first round of the competition “Kazakhstan Spelling Bee 2019”!
«Latyn- karaoke»Action
05 December 2018
In order to promote the Kazakh alphabet, based on the Latin script, on November 29, university activists, members of student art clubs and associations held a flash mob within the framework of the “Latyn-karaoke” project.
The pilot tutorial “Zhangyru zholy” –The leaders of the new generation.
05 December 2018
On November 28, the Department of History of Kazakhstan and Social and political Disciplines of the KSMU, together with the department of the Youth service opened a permanent interactive tutorial “Zhangyru zholy” that was held as part of the comprehensive plan of the KSMU of “Ruhani Zhangyru” state program implementation. The subject of the first tutorial from “Zhangyru zholy” series is “The leaders of the new generation: features and perspectives”.
Session of the seminar "100 new faces of Kazakhstan"
05 December 2018
On 31st November 2018 the Department of Foreign Languages of KSMU within a framework of the program “Ruhani Zhangyru: the way to the future” held the meeting of an interactive seminar “Zhangiru Zholy”, devoted to the project “100 new faces of Kazakhstan”.
05 December 2018
We congratulate Elena Shayakhmetova with the II degree Diploma and Daulet Abdrakhmanov with the III degree Diploma in the remote stage of the V International Olympiad on foreign languages for medical and pharmaceutical universities “Medicine and Languages: at the intersections of cultures”
05 December 2018
In the period from 12 to 24 November 2018, the Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines and Chemistry I.Losseva worked at Kursk State Medical University at the Department of Management and Economics of Pharmacy under the program of academic mobility.
Academic mobility of teachers from France and Italy
05 December 2018
As part of the academic mobility program of the teaching staff a Dr. Najman Patrick mark (France) and Professor Claudio Colosio from the health care department of the Milan university of science and health (Italy) arrived at the Department of public health from 12.11 to 23.11.2018.
Academic mobility at the Tajik State Medical University named after Abuali ibni Sino
05 December 2018
In the period since 05.11.2018 till 16.11.2018 Associate Professor of Public Health was sent to the Abuali ibni Sino Tajik State Medical University as part of the "Academic mobility" program.
Students’ meeting with Murat Tleugabylovich Aitkulov
05 December 2018
On November 23, 2018, the Department of public health organized a meeting of students of the 3, 4 course of the specialty "Public health" and the 7th course of the specialty "General medicine" With M. T. Aitkulov.
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