Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


On Introduction of Mandatory Social Health Insurance
02 December 2016
In accordance with the Law of the Republic Kazakhstan “On mandatory social health insurance”, adopted on November 16, 2015 No. 405- V (valid since March 16, 2016), it is provided to introduce the mandatory social health insurance (hereinafter MSHI) from 1 July 2017.
For you, theater-goers!
30 November 2016
In the last week of the outgoing autumn, the Theatrical art circle pleased its fans with a new stage production of a famous play by Leonid Filatov “About Fedot-Archer, swashbuckling young man”. For two months the members of the circle have been tirelessly working on the costumes, theatrical properties and the scenery, concurrently holding rehearsals, and rehearsals, and rehearsals...
Round table on the introduction of mandatory social health insurance.
30 November 2016
November 25, 2016 in Karaganda State Medical University held explanatory work in the format of the round table on «The role of the Joint National House of Health and non-governmental organizations in the development of modern health care system». Formation of the Institute of Professional Responsibility guarantee and protect the rights of health care workers.
Spartakiad of Interns
30 November 2016
The Internship Faculty of Karaganda State Medical University appealed to Sports Club of the University with the initiative to hold sports competitions for the interns. The initiative was approved and on 24 November, Sports Club of KSMU launched I Spartakiad called “Intern – 2016”.
30 November 2016
In the countries of EU there are increasingly popular programs and projects in the framework of “Training of a lifetime” (within the meaning of Bologna process) to all comers. These programs are based on autonomy in obtaining competencies.
The international Research-to Practice Conference
30 November 2016
In November 23-24, 2016 the international Research-to Practice Conference «Trilingual Education: National and International Experience» was held by the organization of Ltd «Information-Analytic Center», MES of the Republic of Kazakhstanin Astana.
“World Diabetes Day”
28 November 2016
As a part of World Diabetes Day, the Department of Children Diseases No. 2 under the guidance of the Head of the Department M.D., Professor B.T. Tukbekova together with the interns of 6th course, 6-026, 6-027 and 6-028 groups held an event dedicated to prevention of diabetes.
About career guidance at M. Zhumabayev Gymnasium No. 39
25 November 2016
Each pupil chooses a future professional activity. At this stage, help of teachers and parents plays an integral role in formation of proper direction of future profession, because often an active position of pupils is not formed yet and therefore the choice of future activity is a challenging task. Currently, the career guidance provides pupils those personal qualities that will enable them to exercise an informed and independent choice of profession.
Meeting on educational practice
24 November 2016
On 15thNovember at theAssembly Hall by the Dean's office of Faculty of General Medicine and Dentistrywas held a meeting for 1-yearstudents of «General medicine»speciality on elucidation of rules of passing the educational practice «Assistant of nurse practitioner (patientcare)».
Student Conference
24 November 2016
Youth Work Department together with the Ministry of Science of “Samruk” SR and Student Scientific Society conducted I Intra-University Conference “First Steps in Science” in KSMU. The Conference was dedicated to the World Science Day.
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