Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Mr. KSMU - 2015

Mr. KSMU - 2015

12 March 2015

In this year, the Department of educational and social work together with activistsof amateur art groups and cultural sector of the Committee of students self government of the University decided to revive the competition, "Mr. KSMU".

We would like to emphasize that the last time the competition was held four years ago, and then, in the already distant 2011, the title holder "Mr. KSMU" was Zhanat Nurgazina.

Intellectually gifted, physically fit and creative-minded guys were selected during the audition to the final round: Nurzhol Zhanibek (3-016 GM), Birlik Nursultan (4-038 GM), Manoj Kumar (4-003 GM) Shymyrov Nurbolat (3- 043 GM) Uteulin Temirlan (2-074 GM) Kenesary Almas (3-053 GM) Musabaev Ersayyn (3-012 GM), Ivan Polivka (3-051 GM) Iskazin Aybatyr (2-095 GM) Srazhadinov Maksat (1-046 GM) and Ergazyuly Elzhan (201 CoM).

This competition was different from other events and included a video show (partly 3D shows), competition " Ата – бабадәстүрі ", where participants demonstrated knowledge of the customs of the Kazakh people and creative approach in the competition "The gentleman’s test."

The first competition consisted of the fashion show and Presentation, where participants creatively presented themselves and their videos in the style of "James Bond".


The second competition "The gentleman’s test " was held jointly with a team of KVN "Clinic of laughter." KVN’s players came up with a very funny and at the same time delicate situation for our contestants in three languages. Public was delighted, because it was really ingenious. According, to KVN’s players, improvisation of the contestants had the succees.

  The third contest was called "Ата-бабадәстүрі". Contestants were divided into three groups, demonstrated knowledge and skills in the "Қазақшакүрес», «Аңғашығу» and «Жауғашабу». Contestants  showed elements of these rites. It was a real hunting dog "тазыит”. On the “Қазақшакүрес” contestants demonstrated throwing techniques.

  The fourth Competition was called "The creative performance." There the contestants presented their talents, ranging from rap, hard rock performance and ending the show with a demonstration of burning eating glass and broken bricks lying on a board with nails. Last trick was demonstrated by the contestant number 2 - Birlik Nursultan. A lot of copyright clips and songs and monologues were also presented here.

  The completion of the entire competition was the traditional waltz. During the dance the grace and good preparation of the contestants should be noted.


Bright song «Someone like you» and "Sen", of Diana Bekmurzaeva pleased the guests, show-ballet "Etude" performed a dance song "Cheerleading", folk group of belly dance "Karakoz" performed Tatar dance, dance theater «Golden Step» performed Indian folk dance " Gong Gunnar, "Aynur Karabzhanova sung the song «Don`t you remember» and Nurlyayym Bainazarova presented the composition" Салем саған туған ел "

As a result of heated debate, a thorough discussion of the most brilliant performances, an objective weighing all the "pros" and "cons", competent jury composed of:

Nurjan Zhetpisbayev - executive secretary of the youth movement "Jas Otan" regional branch of the party "Nur Otan".

Maria Borisevich - the leader of the youth movement of the German society at the regional ethnocultural association «Weidenburg».

Laysheva Dinara Rafailevna - Section Head, youth projects and programs of the Center for the Youth of Karaganda.

Nowruz Nurlan Nygmetovich - Chairman of the Independent Labour Union of the staff and students of KSMU.

Meruert Kosybaeva - the head of the national group of belly dance "Karakoz"

 The first-year-student Maksat Srazhadinov was awarded the title of "Mr. KSMU 2015". In categories the winners were:

"Vice Mister " - Ersayyn Musabaev

"Mister Talent" - Nursұltan Birlik

"Mister Style" - Nurbolat Shymyrov

"Mister Mind" - Temirlan Uteulin

"Mister Charm" - Ivan Polivka

All participants were awarded diplomas and prizes.

On behalf of the cultural sector of KSG, we express our gratitude to the Department of educational and social work, the club "Conference", sector "DND" and all activists, of amateur talent groups for the great work in organization of this event.

  Bakdaulet Meyіrhanov

Head of cultural-sector KSG,

student gr. 4-048 GM



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