Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The multilingual education in students’ opinion

The multilingual education in students’ opinion

05 March 2015

On the 27th of February, 2015 the Republican scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists “Multilingualism in the sphere of higher education” was held in Karaganda State Medical University. The conference addressed one of the most important and complicated issues of the modern higher professional education that is the multilingual personally-oriented formation of a future specialist.

In the plenary session of the conference Professor Molotov-Luchansky, Doctor of Medicine, Vice-Rector for Academic and Educational Affairs and N.N. Bekenov, Candidate of Medicine, Associate Professor of General Medical Practice Department of Ahmet Yassawi University, guest of the conference performed their speech of welcome.

Within the boundaries of the plenary session the following reports were listened to:

- “Multilingual training is an effective factor of multicultural education” Т. Zhumadildina (KSTU, Karaganda);

  - “About the concept “multilingualism” B. Serikov (KSMU, Karaganda);

  - “The influence of language on culture and identity” А. Тоktamysova (KSMU, Karaganda);

  - “The organization of multilingual education in France” I. Adilbekov (Y. Altynsarin ArkGPI, Arkalyk);

  - “Multilingualism in educational process of Karaganda State Medical University” N. Yasnaya (KSMU, Karaganda);

  - “Multilingualism in training of general practitioner-interns” S. Akhrarov (A. Yesevi University,Shymkent).

I. Adilbekov’sreport provoked the participants’ interest. The doctoral student of Strasbourg University revealed the main characteristics of the European multilingual education and put the focus on the positive experience of multilingualism in different countries that can be adaptive to our linguistic situation in the context of higher education. He gave the recommendations on getting the post-university multilingual education in Europe with the assistance of Kazakhstan state program “Bolashak”.

The audience was not confused with many reporters’ performances. Each report was clear. The numerous questions in Kazakh, Russian, English and German were evidence of it. From time to time the very heated discussions flared up, and finally the presidium members made the decision to debate some matters on arising in the break-out sessions.

The conference work was divided into five sections. The thematic direction of a section corresponded to various aspects of the multilingual education: “The theory and practice of multilingual education in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Multilingualism in the world practice”, “The current state of the multilingual training in medical universities”, “Polylogue of languages and cultures: history and contemporaneity”, “The reflection of national culture in the language”.

The scientific works of the students and young scientists were estimated with five-degree scale according to the elaborated standards.

The role of moderators of the break-out sessions performed the experienced teachers: Professor Aubakirova, Candidate of Philology, Head of Foreign and Russian Languages Department of Karaganda Economic University; V.A. Burmistrova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of Foreign Languages Department of Karaganda State Medical University; G.S. Kemelova, Candidate of Medicine, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Medical Education of Karaganda State Medical University; Sh.S. Zhakupova, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages Department of Karaganda State Medical University; E.V. Nesterik, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Chair of Foreign Languages and Translation of E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University. The co-moderators, the professor and teacher staff of Foreign Languages Department of Karaganda State Medical University and the presenters of the scientific sector of the Student Self-Administration Committee of the University of Karaganda State Medical University, helped the moderators.

It is pleasant to mention high activity of the students and young scientists eager to participate in the conference: the 172 reports were received, most of them were presented in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd sections. The reports of the participants were marked by various lines, topicality, thoroughness and that’s why they aroused the great interest of the audience. It would be important to mention that the articles’ content was reported in a bright and interesting manner, and the way of reporting was in some way outstanding. Students took an active part in discussions during break-out sessions, and as the result were given the appropriate certificates.

Having summarized the results of each session’s work, the conference committee members  adopted the resolution and chose the authors of the best research works. The medal places were arranged as follows:

Section 1 “The theory and practice of multilingual education in the Republic of Kazakhstan”:

1st degree DIPLOMA – D. Akhilbek, A. Abdikadyr(Asfendiyarov KNMU, Almaty);

2nd degree DIPLOMA– K. Yunusova (Y. Altynsarin ArkGPI, Arkalyk);

3rd degree DIPLOMA– А. Uysinbekov (KSTU, Karaganda);

Certificate of achievement was awarded toS. Zhumagaziyev (KSMU, Karaganda)in recognition of the best presentation skills;

Certificate of achievement was awarded toЕ. Аmanbekova (E.A. Buketov KSU, Кaraganda) in recognition of the will to win;

Certificate of achievement was awarded to А. Кablan (KSMU, Karaganda) in recognition of the active discussion of the report.

Section 2 “Multilingualism in the world practice”:

1st degree DIPLOMAD. Syzdykova (KSMU, Karaganda);

2nd degree DIPLOMA– А. Kablan (KSMU, Karaganda);

3rd degree DIPLOMA – T. Мusaliyeva (Y. Altynsarin ArkGPI, Arkalyk);

Certificate of achievement was awarded to D. Tokasheva (KSMU, Karaganda )in recognition of the best presentation skills;

Certificate of achievement was awarded toM. Israilova, D. Dauletbayev (Asfendiyarov KNMU, Almaty) in recognition of the will to win;

Certificate of achievement was awarded to S. Abisheva (E.A. Buketov KSU, Кaraganda) in recognition of the active discussion of the report.

Section 3 “The current state of the multilingual training in medical universities”:

1st degree DIPLOMA – К. Sakhmetova(Asfendiyarov KNMU, Almaty);

2nd degree DIPLOMA – Т. Samatov (KSMU, Karaganda);

3rd degree DIPLOMA – S. Samitova, N. Kenesov(Asfendiyarov KNMU, Almaty);

Certificate of achievement was awarded to A. Meldenova, Т. Doszhanov (KSMU, Karaganda)in recognition of the best presentation skills;

Certificate of achievement was awarded to G. Daneshova (KSMU, Karaganda)in recognition of the will to win;

Certificate of achievement was awarded toZh. Baimagambet (KSMU, Karaganda) in recognition of the active discussion of the report.

Section 4 “Polylogue of languages and cultures: history and contemporaneity”:

1st degree DIPLOMAG. Omarova (CKA, Karaganda);

2nd degree DIPLOMA – К. Коnysbekov (KSMU, Karaganda);

3rd degree DIPLOMA – А. Tursun (KEU, Karaganda);

Certificate of achievement was awarded to D. Sarsenova (KSTU, Karaganda)in recognition of the best presentation skills;

Certificate of achievement was awarded to Е. Zhumabekov (KSTU, Karaganda) in recognition of the will to win;

Certificate of achievement was awarded toG. Baidaliyeva (KSMU, Karaganda) in recognition of the active discussion of the report.

Section 5 “The reflection of national culture in the language:

1st degree DIPLOMAА. Аrunova(E.A. Buketov KSU, Кaraganda);

2nd degree DIPLOMAZ. Makhambetova (M. Ospanov WKSMU, Aktobe);

3rd degree DIPLOMA – А. Zharkimbekova (KSTU, Karaganda);

Certificate of achievement was awarded to М. Mergazina, Е. Bagitzhanov,

А. Yuldoshev, N. Sabyr (KSMU, Karaganda) in recognition of the best presentation skills;

Certificate of achievement was awarded to Z. Sarybayeva (E.A. Buketov KSU, Кaraganda) in recognition of the will to win;

  Certificate of achievement was awarded to М. Gornaya (KEU, Karaganda)in recognition of the active discussion of the report.

In the final plenary session the participants got the resolutions made at the work of the five sections. Professor Molotov-Luchansky, MD, Vice-Rector for Academic and Educational Affairs presented the diplomas of merit and certificates on nominations to the participants.

We hope that the reports of the participants and the discussions which appeared over many of them will allow to denote the main obstacles the individuals of the educational process confront while realizing the multilingual education and the possible ways of overcoming them, and some of them to change their attitude to the multilingual training after becoming aware of their significance as a figure of the multilingual activity.



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