Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The Consultative and Diagnostic Center of KSMU was opened in Karaganda State Medical University in the frameworks of the State Program “Salamatty Kazakhstan” (“Healthy Kazakhstan”).

The Consultative and Diagnostic Center of KSMU was opened in Karaganda State Medical University in the frameworks of the State Program “Salamatty Kazakhstan” (“Healthy Kazakhstan”).

19 February 2015

New Center of Karaganda State Medical University was set up as part of the State Program “Salamatty Kazakhstan” (“Healthy Kazakhstan”) for Health care development in the Republic of Kazakhstan supported by Akimat and Public health Department of Karaganda region. It is located in the building of former perinatal center. 

«Creation of the Consultative and Diagnostic Center will help to address the challenges set by the President Nursultan Nazarbayev to promote healthcare and improve the quality of medical services. Investments for repair, purchase of equipment and furniture amounted to 300 million tenge, "- said Akim of Karaganda region Nurmukhambet Abdibekov.

There are X-ray room, functional diagnostics rooms, US room, endoscopy, where the equipment capabilities were presented. The modern diagnostic and therapeutic equipment of Great Britain, Germany and Japan provide healthcare to adult and children population of the region up to the national and international standards. There are laboratory and diagnostics department, consultative department, and rehabilitation department.
There are wards for non-resident patients, where they can prepare to the upcoming examination. Consultations are provided by the high experienced university teachers: associate professors and Professors, high level certificate physicians.  

The international and in-house developments of the university scientists are used in the rehabilitation unit equipped with the modern physiotherapeutic equipment and the physical therapy room. The patients can be treated in the day patient department in accordance with clinical protocol as a part of guaranteed free medical care.


The source BNews.kz



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