Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
We believe in a brighter future!

We believe in a brighter future!

23 December 2014

On the 15th of December in the Assembly Hall of KSMU took place solemn meeting devoted to the celebration of the 23 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. At the beginning of the event pro-rector for educational work Wilen Borisovich Molotov-Luchansky had been invited on stage. Then congratulatory remarks had been made by the rector of the university, professor Raushan Sultanovna Dosmagambetova. After the opening ceremony Raushan Sultanovna presented awards to employees of the university.

For long and hard work, and in connection with the celebration of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan by the Decree of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (№305 from 10.12. 2014).

The badge «ЌазаќстанРеспубликасыденсаулықсақтауісініњүздігі»is awarded to:

Alimkhanova Roza Seitkaliyevna – professor of the department of surgical disciplines №1 of FCPD

The badge «ҚазақстанРеспубликасыДенсаулықсақтауісінеқосқанұлесіұшін» is awarded to:

Tursynov Nurtas Isatayevich – the head of the department neurosurgery and neuropathology FCPD

The medal «Еңбекардагері»

Mustafina Faiza Khamziyevna – senior teacher of the department of molecular biology and medical genetics

For perfect work, personal contribution to the healthcare system and in connection with celebration of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan Diploma of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the RK is awarded to:

Bekturganov Zkir Zakaryanovich – pro-rector for organizational and economic work

Yevnevich Anna Michailovna – associate professor of the department of physiology

Toleubekov Kuatbek Kuanyshbekovich – the dean of the faculty of general medicine and stomatology

For perfect work, personal contribution to the healthcare system and in connection with celebration of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan The note of thanks of the Minister of health and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan is awarded to:

Lyubchenko Marina Yuriyevna – the head of the department of psychiatry and narcology

Aidosov Marat Rakhimovich – assistant of the department of stomatology of children age

Kaziyeva Makpal Omirtayevna – the head of the department of calculation of students' contingent of the department of educational and methodical work

For perfect work, personal contribution to the healthcare system and in connection with celebration of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan by the Order of the education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (№19 from 20.11. 2014 г.)

The badge «Ғылымды дамыту ғасіңіргенеңбегіұшін»is awarded to:

Turmukhambetova Anar Akylbekovna – pro-rector for scientific work

Muravlyova Larisa Yevgeniyevna – the head of the department of biological chemistry

The badge «Білімберуісініңкұрметтікызметкері»is awarded to :

Dolgopolov Alexandr Borisovich – senior teacher of the department of Kazakhstan history and social-political disciplines

A honorary diploma of the Ministry of education and science of the republic of Kazakhstan is awarded to:

Koichubekov Berik Kenzhebayevich – the head of the department of medical biophysics and information sciences

The note of thanks of the Minister of education and science of the Minister of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan is awarded to

Loman Nadezhda Filippovna– senior teacher ofthe department of Kazakhstan history and social-political disciplines

For active participation in social and political life of the region and the personal creative contribution to the construction of a new Kazakh Society Certificate of Merit of Akim of Karaganda region is awarded to:

Teryokhin Sergei Petrovich – the head of the department of food hygiene, general hygiene and ecology

Tusupbekova Maida Maskhapovan – the head of the department of pathological anatomy and forensic medicine

For personal contribution to the socio-economic development of the city, active labor and social activities, and in connection with the celebration of Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan Certificate of Merit of Akim of Karaganda is awarded to:

Bazhakov Kazbek Bazhakovich – deputy director of the department of operational work

Kultanov Berikbai Zhukenovich – the head of the department of molecular biology and medical genetics

Honorary Diploma of the Management of Health on the Karaganda region is awarded to:

Zheksembayeva Sarken Orynbasarovna – associate professor of the department of the internal diseases №1

Zholdybayeva Gulfairuz Abylayevna – assistant of the department of visual diagnostics

Serikova Gulmira Bergentayevna – assistant of the department of childhood diseases №2

Sedach Nadezhda Nikolayevna – senior teacher of the course of nursing

Iskakov Ernar Bokenbayevich – assistant of the department of general medical practice of FCPD

Ibragimov Spartak Magomedovich – resident of the 3d year of training on the specialty «Surgery», assistant of the department of surgical diseases №1

Then onlookers took place in incendiary concert – dance «Кызсезімі », «Tatar Dance» (folk ensemble of eastern dance «Karakoz»), the song «Egemen Kazakhstan» (Mukan Kuanish, the listener of Karaganda Academy of B. Beysenov MIA RK), «Waltz of the Flowers» (the soloists of dance theatre «Golden step» Yuri Fomenko and Catherine Majboroda), songs «Kazakh zhastary», «Men қazaқpyn» (Medeu Tazhigulov, the listener of Karaganda Academy of B. Beysenov MIA RK), the work «Tauelsizdik-tұғyrym» (students' author-poethical club «Zhyr Zhauhar»), the song «Elim» (the winner of the festival «Zhastar zhuldyzdary» Aidar Tuleyev).

The auditorium was seen the performances by stormy applauses. The staff of university was satisfied with the concert program.



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