Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Congratulate you with International day of student!

Congratulate you with International day of student!

18 November 2014

Dear students of Karaganda state medical university! In the International Students' Day we wish you to get an education, study you favorite profession and realize your lofty goals and desires!

Did you know in honor of what event this holiday has been organized?

International Students' Day is traditionally celebrated on November-17. This date was adopted in 1946 in Prague by the decision of the World Congress of the students.

Memorable date was chosen not by chance, it was dedicated to Czech students experienced violence in this day in 1939 at the hands of the Nazis. The peaceful demonstration in honor of the anniversary of the formation of Czechoslovakia grew into a massacre of invaders over the participants, whereby a medical student, Jan Opletal was killed. Later the funeral of the student grew into a protest led to the arrest of more than 1,200 students and to their restraint in a concentration camp and the execution of nine activists. As a result, by Hitler's decision, all the schools of Czechoslovakia were closed till the end of the war. International Students' Day is a matter to unite all the students, independent from the country, institution and the faculty.

"Marmota Bobac." Why is this animal? Guess, please, how coal deposits were searched in the mid-19th century on the place where now Karaganda is located? You will have to puzzle your head for a long time. It turns out. That no other that Marmot helped to find stone fuel in those days. Marmots like to hibernate in coal seams and getting to it, dig a little deeper. Dug-out debris (including coal) is thrown out by them, of course, is indicative sign of the presence of coal.

Dean's office of the Faculty of General Medicine and Dentistry congratulate you with holiday, wish you good health, success in studding  and creative achievements.

We give to your attention a poem of the 1st year student of his own composition of the specialty "General Medicine" 1-044 group Sarsekey Gulden Nurbolatkyzy:


Студенттер, болашақ жас мамандар,

Арманына талпынған сан тағдырлар,

Жалындаған жүрекпен мақсат қойып

Білім қуып бөлмеге қамалғандар.

Студенттер, аптыққан пәк көңілдер,

Өкініштер шаттықтар тәтті өмірлер,

Үйлеріне жиі айтатын сәлемдері

«Ақша сал», «жетпей жатыр», «сап жеріңдер».

Студенттер, жігере толы жандар,

Бастарына тек кітап жастанғандар,

Талпыныспен ұстазға ұнағандар

Сүрінгендер, кей жерде құлағандар.

Оқуына кей уақыт үлгере алмай,

Қайтадан тапсырам деп жылағандар.

Не дегенмен студент шақ қайталанбас,

Өтеді де кетеді қайта оралмас.

Takuadina Aliya Ibragimovna

Zhakentaeva Makpal Sabitovna

Deputy Dean of the faculty of General medicine

and dentistry



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