Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Let’s speak in Kazakh!

Let’s speak in Kazakh!

24 October 2014

Evaluating the role of the state language, the national leader Nursultan Nazarbayev said that the state language should be the backbone of the national policy. That’s why in the independent Kazakhstan lot of attention is paid to the systematic development of the Kazakh language.

In this regard on October 17, 2014, a photo exhibition "Taza til" was organized in Karaganda regional branch of Nur Otan party at the initiative of a youth movement "Zhas Otan", within the “Қазақшасөйлейік" project. This exhibition on behalf of Karaganda State Medical University was attended by the students of Sector of legal-patriotic education of KSSU (Zh. Rustembekkyzy, M. Ziyaddinov, A.B. Darmen, Zh.Zh. Shakhtayeva, S. S. Parmankulova, M. Madenova) and member of the club "Zhyr Zhaukhar" (D. Sabit, N. Serikbol, Sh. Hautay).

More than 40 advertising illustrations in the Kazakh language with spelling errors were presented at the exhibition. Besides, during the campaign, organizers carried out an express questioning among visitors, in order to determine the level of knowledge of the state language. Modern advertisers focus on the visual side of advertising: design, color, layout, while forgetting about the main thing - the content. Orthographically composed text of the advertisement is a guarantee of success. Any businessman that uses advertising should understand that information directly influences image of the advertiser. Improperly formed sentence, incorrect punctuation and grammatical mistakes leave the potential consumer a negative impression, both about the advertiser and the advertised product. Development and promotion of the state language is the duty of every citizen.

Zhansaya Rustembekkyzy

The head of the 

sector of legal-patriotic education of KSSG,

student of 5-019 GM group



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