Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


22 October 2014

Every year and fall, thousands of applicants cross the door of Karaganda State Medical University. The yesterday’s pupils and today’s freshmen, so different in appearance, but in many ways similar by their inner perceptions are united by one word – students. However, any freshman knows that he will be a student after taking a special ceremony "Matriculation". The matriculation script is known only to the few. The matriculation is an unforgettable event for every freshman, the great mystery for juniors and a real feast for seniors.

On October 17, the ceremony "Matriculation 2014" was held in Karaganda State Medical University. Festive concert was organized by activists and seniors of our university. In view of the large number of entrants activity was divided into three streams. The event was divided into three batches because of a large number of applicants.

At 11 o'clock, the morning batch was opened by the leaders of the “Conferencier” circle Kabdusheva Ayzhan and Onbay Salamat. The Academic dean Vilen Borisovich Molotov-Luchansky was invited to the scene to congratulate the freshmen and to hand over the grade books. Words of edification were made by the faculty of university. The symbolical torch of knowledge was given to the best students by the goddess of fire. The university academic staff addressed with the words of edification. The fire goddess gave the symbolical torch of knowledge to the best students.

The concert program was opened by the girls from national group of belly dance «Қаракөз» with the dance «Қызсезімі». Then Bekmurzayeva Diana performed the song "Price tag", Baynazar Nurlyayym performed the song «Аңсағаным». The good mood for the audience was provided by the witty guys and the nice girl from the KVN team “Dreamboat”. The second batch with the new emcees Makarov Alexander and Dzhetibayeva Aygul was opened by the dean of GM faculty Toleubekov Kuatbek Kuanishbekovich and the girls of the national group of belly dance «Қаракөз» with the dance «Қаражорға». The song «Аққуымсың» was performed by the duet Birlik Nursultan and Isain Ersulta. Spanish dance was performed by the members of the band «Golden Step», and the show-ballet "Etude" performed the composition «The memory of Michael Jackson». The concert program was closed by Khusainova Anastasia with the song "To the east from the Eden".

The Matriculation of the 3d batch was compered by Rasulova Azami, Nurtai Kolganat and Marat Gaziza in three languages. The concert program was traditionally opened by the graceful girl from the group «Қаракөз» with the dance «Махаббатсыры». Sagynova Diana sang a song in English «Here I am». Tuleyev Aidar sang the song «Сұранамын» but the real hit of the evening, which caused a storm of emotion of the audience became an Indian dance performed by the team «Golden step». According to the old students’ tradition, the concert program ended with the student anthem "Gaudeamus ".

The Matriculation became the good tradition of our university, which gives the audience and participants a good mood, smiles and a lot of positive!

Azami Rasulova

The circle “Conferencier” 3-083 GM



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