Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


06 June 2014

The delegation of teachers of Karaganda State Medical University visited Xian. Now our University is waiting for return visit of Dean of the School of International Relations of Shaanxi Province Yuxia Song.

The Commission of health and family planning (the analog of regional health department in Kazakhstan ) of Shaanxi Province has invited a delegation of our University to visit the main city of the Province, to take part in the forum of health organizations, to get to know the work of the university and its clinical bases.

KSMU delegation comprising Vice-rector on methodical and educational work of the doctor of medical sciences, professor Wilen Borisovich Molotov- Luchanskiy, the head of the department of the clinic introduction, doctor of medical sciences, professor Saule Mautovna Kabiyeva, the head of the department of pediatric surgery, doctor of medical sciences, professor Meirambek Satybaldinovich Askarov and assistant of the department of child infections Ainash Ermukhanovna Dyusembayeva spent three intense days in the ancient Chinese city Xian. As noted by Wilen Borisovich, the trip was professionally interesting and in terms of knowledge of the history of China.

The ancient city Xian is known primarily for its terracotta army. Terracotta Army is the common name of burial place of at least 8,099 full-sized terracotta statues of Chinese warriors and their horses. It was discovered in 1974 near the tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang combiner near the city Xian, the ancient Chinese capital. Today Xian is a city with eight million inhabitants, a large university and Regional Research Medical Center in the Northwest China.

The Kazakh guests were impressed by the current state of the educational process, the clinical work of the university. Our delegation took part in the forum «Questions of health and economics at the new Silk Road». Wilen Borisovich made a report on the medical education system in Kazakhstan and opportunities for collaboration with the medical organizations of the Province.

Today wide prospects of academic exchange of students and teachers, acquaintances with experience in the field of medical training and clinical activity of the Karaganda region and Shaanxi Province are open.

During the visit the meeting with the head of the Commission of health and family planning of Shaanxi Province Mr. Dai Zhengshe, professor, PhD, vice president of Jaotong University Jiangun Yan, associate professor, the dean of the School of International Education Yuxia Song. The conversation was about the education system in China and Kazakhstan, the peculiarities of medical specialists training. The Karaganda citizens talked about the educational process at the University, which is conducted in three languages, educational programs of KSMU, about the directions of the researches.

KSMU delegation visited the University Hospital, met with the laboratory work, the receiving department, and visited the children's department of the hospital. Wilen Borisovich noted that the hospitals provide all kinds of assistance, including tertiary. Transplantation extensively developed, particularly a liver transplant is carried out, the heart, the bone marrow. In one affiliated hospital of the University spend up to 23 thousand transactions per month.

In another hospital (outpatient) its supervisor, professor Fuyong Jiao expressed interest in closer ties with Kazakhstan in the treatment of bronchial asthma and intestinal infections in children.

According to our delegation's opinion, the trip should be a powerful impetus for the development of fruitful cooperation of KSMU and Xian Medical University. The first step has already been taken. In the name of the rector our delegation invited the dean of the School of International Relations of Shaanxi Province Yuxia Song with return visit to KSMU. Within the framework of this visit is expected to sign a Memorandum of development of bilateral relations between our universities, academic mobility, joint projects in the field of science and medical practice.



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