Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
About conducting of master class "Actual questions of diagnostics and treatment of HIV-infection"

About conducting of master class "Actual questions of diagnostics and treatment of HIV-infection"

06 June 2014

On the basis of the Karaganda State Medical University, 19 - 23 May, 2014 year, department of infectious diseases and dermatovenerology together with the dean of the faculty of continuing professional development organized and conducted the master class on "Actual questions of diagnosis and treatment of HIV - infection". The purpose of the master class was training doctors specialties infectious diseases, internal medicine, general practice, pediatrics, epidemiology and training in new methods of diagnosis and treatment of HIV - infection. Contingent of listeners included epidemiologists treasury of the state enterprise "Polyclinics № 1" in Karaganda, local therapists of Saran city, pediatricians of city hospital № 1 of Karaganda, pediatricians of village Kuchek, nurses of KSMU polyclinic, therapists interns of the 6th course of KSMU. The first day was held with open workshops, presentation of participants. A report on "The prevalence of HIV/AIDS in Kazakhstan", vice-rector on clinical work and FCPD, MD, professor B.N. Kosherova. Lecture on the theme: "The classification of HIV-infection. Modern clinical features of HIV - infection" was heard. Questions on pathomorphology of HIV - infection, morphological study of HIV - infection in children reported to the head of the department of pathological anatomy and forensic medicine, MD, professor M.M. Tusupbekova. Also, the lecture was presented by the associate professor S.T. Kizatova on "Peculiarities of HIV - infection in children". Head of the department of infectious diseases and dermatolovenereology, PhD, associate professor A.A.Kim highlighted problems of HIV - related infections.

At the master class, associate professor of general medical practice of FCPD, K.S. Ospanova on "HIV and pregnancy" and a session on the topic "HIV - infection diagnosis. Rapid diagnosis of pregnant women for HIV - infection" gave the report.

The seminar was held on "Common HIV coinfection: viral hepatitis B and C" by doctoral PhD N.Y. Sarsekeyeva of the master class. Also, workshops on PBL methodology, by professor M.M.Tusupbekova on "Principles of diagnosis" and PhD N.Y. Sarsekeyeva entitled "Analysis of the clinical case of a patient with HIV-infection" was organized. In the last day the summarize of the day and discussion of problems was conducted. The closing remarks were made by vice - rector for clinical work and the faculty of continuing professional development, MD, professor B.N.Kosherova, students were awarded by the certificates of participants.

In general, the master class was held at a professional level, in a friendly atmosphere, the students received full information on new methods of diagnosis and treatment of HIV-infection, took an active part in discussions on HIV-infection.

A.A.Kim, N.Y. Sarsekeyeva

Department of infectious diseases

and dermatovenerology



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