Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Celebrating the Day of Defenders of the Motherland and the Great Victory

Celebrating the Day of Defenders of the Motherland and the Great Victory

16 May 2014

Defender of the Motherland Day in Kazakhstan is a state holiday. It is celebrated every year on May 7, due to the fact that on this day, in 1992, the President Nursultan Nazarbayev signed  the Decrees on the establishment of the National Armed Forces.

Victory Day is the great holiday that should always be present in the memory of any generation. On this day, throughout the former Soviet Union annually organized marches to the Monument to the Unknown Soldier, military parades and celebratory fireworks.Holiday has also been noted at clinical department of emergency medicine - Regional ambulance station of Karaganda, where the concert program devoted to two major holidays of courage, heroism, honor and patriotism - Day of Defenders of the Motherland and the Great Victory.

Was held rear workers during the Great World War II, veterans of the Afghan war were invited to the festival, in whose honor  the concert was organized, which was opened with the National Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan and a minute of silence in memory of the victims.

Also, the head of "Emergency medicine» department, AR Alpyssova, made a congratulatory speech on behalf of the university and department staff.

5th year students of "General Medicine" facultyof KSMU took active participation in the celebration concert, who created an and decorate  of atmosphere of celebration.

Student of group 5-045 Siskova Lyubov readed  her own composition «Миротворец», «Когдаумретпоследнийветеран»wartime songs «Набезымяннойвысоте» and  «Зажгитесвечи» which touch of hearts of all the guests.

Student groups 5-044 Shakhmetov Alexander also member  of duo ethno-folk ensemble Public Association of the Romanian Cultural Society made  performance of the Romanian national songs.

 The concert took place on the background of a celebratory congratulatory slide show prepared by employees of the department of emergency medicine.

AR Alpysova,

head of "Emergency medicine» department



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