Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
A trip through the beauties of Saryarka

A trip through the beauties of Saryarka

06 June 2024
A trip through the beauties of Saryarka.

On May 24 - 26, 2024  members of the local history club  of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and SPD took a trip to the historical and geographical sights of our region.

This time we visited again the  one of its protected corners the Kyzylarai Mountains in the Northern Balkhash region.

The group includes 2nd and 3rd year students of the specialty “General Medicine”: Karina Saulyan, Lev Bazilev, Danil Abdigafurov, residents of our University  such as Sanzhar Zhumanbaev (member of the club  since 2015) and young doctors from Astana - Sabit Tashenov the  pediatrician - infectious disease specialist, Asiya Kadralinova  the  current   a PhD student (members of the club  since 2013), graduates of our University  as well as teachers - participants in our visiting meetings and active members of the club  - A.S. Lamanova with her son Arkady, a student at gymnasium.
#1.Exept it,to our tour were joinedE.A. Kotov ,the Department of Morphology  with his son Mikhail  a graduate of gymnasium # 93 and also the famous historian from the Bolashak Academy A.U.Ilyasova who has been collaborating with our club  for a long time.
A total we were 17 people the  history buffs  and outdoor activities. On the day of our arrival in the village of Shylym  we visited the famous stone mausoleums of Begazy where we got acquainted with the peculiarities of the economy and culture of the population of Kazakhstan of the late Bronze Age  and also attended medieval bal balls.

After excursions and climbs in the evenings at the Guest House, we held club meetings.So, A.S. Lamanova and Gaufler Arkady the members of the club made presentations on the trip to Turkie which they made in March.Zhuldyz Isina  a regular participant in trips with our club the specialist at the Family Support Center in Karaganda chose  the topic “Causes of divorce among young couples”.Sabina Ivacheva the gastroenterologist, a graduate of our university told us about how to eat properly and what foods to give preference to.The speakers were met with applause! The speakers were awarded certificates for their active participation in the department’s SSC (Students Scientific Community) as well as for participating in a trip to the sacred places of our region!
But the most important test was to  us on the second day of our trip  the climbing the “Krysha Stepey” - Mount Aksoran (1565 m)  the highest point in all Central  Kazakhstan. It took us the entire daylight hours!

This is physical activity and overcoming fatigue from steep ascents and descents and a test of fortitude the participants were successful!

All participants of the trip were awarded certificates from the Head of  Department  Nikiforova S.A. who actively supports our trips to the historical and geographical sights of our region!

According to all the participants in our group they received a huge boost of energy and joy from visiting sacred places, and spent these days with interest and benefit!

Head of local historical Club :  Dolgopolov A.B.



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