Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
“Youth of Kazakhstan: socio-psychological resource opportunities and methods of work with them”.

“Youth of Kazakhstan: socio-psychological resource opportunities and methods of work with them”.

31 May 2024

“Youth of Kazakhstan: socio-psychological resource opportunities and methods of work with them”.

On 28th of May, 2024 as a part of implementation of the concept “Zhana Kazakhstan” the Department  of history of Kazakhstan and Socio-political Disciplines together with Department on work with youth of KMU was held the  meeting of constantly operating methodical seminar “Zhangyru zholy” on a topic : “Youth of Kazakhstan:socio-psychological resource opportunities and methods of work with them”.The moderators of the seminar were S.A. Nikiforova, A.S. Lamanova, O.A. Kovtun, Yu.G. Osintseva.

Every year the geography of the meeting is extensive and involves a variety of participants. During the seminar students of Karaganda Medical University and Karaganda Technical University named after. A. Saginova, represented by the Voice of Youth UF and representatives the Zhastara Assembly of theYouth branch of the APK  in Temirtau.

The event was opened by A.N. Urmashov the Head of  Representative Office of  ROO of “Assembly  Zhastary” in Karaganda region, Compliance Officer of KMU.

Smagulov Asylan the Chairman of the Voice of UF spoke about the increasing role of youth participation in decision-making processes and shared his experience gained in Albania and Kazakhstan.

Milena Evgenievna the Head of the Youth branch of APK in Temirtau of  “Zhastara Assembly” shared with the audience  the significant events that take place in her hometown Temirtau.

Agysbai Akyldas student KarTU named after Abylkas Saginov spoke on the topic “Resource opportunities for the formation of competitive youth of Kazakhstan”.

Aitzhanova Saida and Tashenova Dilyara the students of 1008 group of School of Dentistry’s  KMU  told in their report “Caring for those who treat. Happiness through the eyes of doctors” shared how it is important to keep a balance between the profession and psycho-emotional state of the doctor. About how important it is when the profession brings satisfaction and joy.

Vyas Hardik and Singh Bhanu Pratap  the students of 2003 group of  IMF in their PPT “Healthy Living and Sports as a Social Need for Youth” spoke about the experience of healthy living in India.

Samatova Khusnobod, Abamova Renata and Fedorova Alexandra the students of 1-034group, School of Medicine of KMU provoked a lively discussion about how students learn and what place procrastination has in their lives. How it affects the learning process and what  consequences it has.

In conclusion, teachers of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and SPD Nikiforova S.A. and Lamanova A.S. presented the MR of MH “Social and psychological well-being of health workers in the spread of new respiratory infections, including coronavirus infection (COVID-19)”. They told about the situation that doctors have in terms of psycho-emotional state, its specifics caused by the pandemic and shared the results of their research.

All participants of the event noted the high level the cognitive effect and applied significance of the seminar.

At the end, the results were summarized, and recommendations of practical nature were made which can be implemented in KMU as well as identified areas and opportunities for further cooperation, etc. The speakers of the event, moderators and participants of the seminar were awarded certificates.

Teachers of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and socio-political disciplines of KMU



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