Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The Day of Science Workers

The Day of Science Workers

17 April 2024

On the Day of Science Workers, on April 12, 2024, the annual scientific and practical conference of young scientists "THE WORLD OF SCIENCE: TRADITIONS AND INNOVATIONS" dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Academician Kanysh Imantaevich Satpayev was held at the Karaganda Medical University.

The conference consisted of a plenary session and 4 sections. The work of the section was held in Kazakh, Russian and English. Doctoral students, master’s students, residents, interns and students who took part in the conference defended 32 oral reports and 15 poster reports covering almost all areas of medicine, biology and public health. 61 students took part in the conference.

The welcoming speech at the opening ceremony was delivered by doctor of medical sciences, professor, vice-rector for scientific and clinical work - Turgunov Ermek Meiramovich and candidate of medical sciences, associate professor, director of the Institute of life sciences - Klyuyev Dmitry Anatolyevich.

At the plenary session, 6 reports were presented on modern innovative approaches in surgery, epedimology, biology, pre-selected by the organizing committee. Also at the plenary session, the problem of searching for antibiotic-resistant strains of microorganisms, which is important for the whole society, was mentioned.

The work of all sections was successful. The presented reports were actively discussed by the audience and moderators, and were highly appreciated.

At the closing ceremony of the conference, the results of the contest for the best report on each section were summed up:

·  Following the results of the plenary session, the diploma for the best report was awarded to the 1st year doctoral student Mahatov Bakhtiyar Kanapievich.

·  According to the results of the 1st section "Clinical Medicine", an intern of the 6th year Bishekhanova Aigerim Lazerkyzy was awarded a diploma for the best report.

·  According to the results of the 2nd section "Biomedical research", 2nd year students Karpova Ekaterina Viktorovna and Alzhanova Nazira Ruslanovna were awarded the diploma for the best report.

·  According to the results of the 3rd section "Preventive Medicine", a 3rd year student of the Kokshetau University named after Sh. Ualikhanov - Tlekbai Sabina Kuanyshkyzy was awarded a diploma for the best report.

·  According to the results of the 4th section "Poster report contest", the diploma for the best report was awarded to the 2nd year master’s studentBalgabekova Aruzhan Bekasylovna.

The winners were awarded diplomas and certificates for the free publication of 1 article in the journal "Medicine and Ecology"until the end of 2024.



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