Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Introduced the educational programs of the University

Introduced the educational programs of the University

26 February 2024

Karaganda Regional Higher Nursing College and Karaganda Higher Medical Intercollege.

Zh. A. Dauletkaliyeva, dean of the School of Public Health, described the school's educational programs, including the benefits of the "Medical and Preventive Care" program of continuous integrated medical education.

Professors of the school, M.G. Kalishev and Zh. Zh. Zharylqassyn explained the areas and objects of professional activity of graduates, admission features, and shortened forms of training in the EP "Public Health" and "Medical and Preventive Care".

The guests were also given a tour of the University. They visited the library and educational laboratories for general and nutritional hygiene, which has modern equipment for acquiring and applying practical skills for conducting hygienic research.

College students expressed strong interest in the University's educational programs and the conditions for training of specialists.



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