Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Advanced training on the application of simulation technologies

Advanced training on the application of simulation technologies

27 October 2023

Today, the benefits of using simulation technologies in medical education have been proven by numerous studies and there is no doubt about their efficiency while ensuring the quality of training of healthcare professionals. Before a future healthcare specialist will proceed to real clinical practice, he/she should repeatedly practice skills on simulators, as airplane pilots train in simulated conditions. Thus, for more than 15 years in Kazakhstan's model of medical education, a training with the use of simulation technologies has taken a leading place.  For the purpose of continuous self-improvement of skills in teaching and learning in simulated conditions, training was organized for heads of educational and clinical centers.

Gulshat Kemelova, Head of the Center for Simulation and Educational Technologies at the Medical University of Karaganda participated in the training on the use of highly realistic robot simulators in medical simulation. This training was organized with the support of Gaumard Scientific, Miami, Florida. The event was held on October 13-15, 2023 in Dubai, UAE. The training program included such topics as "Simulation in modern medical education: an overview", introduction to Gaumard's highly realistic simulators, practical training with scenario development in groups. The instructor was Carlos N. Chidiac MD, Regional Director of Gaumard Scientific.

Simulation sessions were held with briefing, followed by open discussions, exchange of experience between participants. Heads of simulation centers of Karaganda Medical University, Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, Astana Medical University, Director of Medical Faculty of Manash Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University, as well as representatives of GEOTAR Med (Russia) participated in this training. 

Zh.B. Bostanova, CSET specialist



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