Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Effective participation in the National Congress of Gastroenterologists and a master class

Effective participation in the National Congress of Gastroenterologists and a master class

29 June 2023

On June 22-23, the VI National Congress of Hepatologists/Gastroenterologists of Kazakhstan "Gastro Hepato Transplant News 2023. Autoimmune crossroads: liver and intestine. Topical in HPC. Hemostasis in Hepatology" was held in Astana.

Within the framework of the congress, a competition of poster reports was held, as a result of which the 1st place was taken by the poster of the resident - gastroenterologist of the 2nd years of study Zharganat Egizgeldinova and the assistant of the Department of Internal Diseases Aizhan Korshigakyzy Seisenbekova - "Clinical, laboratory and immunological features of the course of primary biliary cholangitis", also the 3rd place was taken by the poster residents - gastroenterologists of the 2nd years of study Zharganat Egizgeldinova, Sabina Ivacheva, Angelina Kadyrova, Aykorkem Chunkeneeva - "Cytomegalovirus infection in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases".

The winners were awarded by money prizes for I and III places on 100 000 and 50 000 tenge, respectively. It is worth noting that our research papers were prepared under the guidance of the head of the Department of Internal Medicine Elena Mikhailovna Laryushina and clinical mentors of the Regional Clinical Hospital: Irina Anatolievna Lozinskaya, Nadezhda Valerievna Kabdulina and Gulnar Amirgalievna Beisembaeva.

In continuation of the Congress on June 24, a master class was held at the National Cancer Research Center within the framework of the "School of Gastroenterologist" GHTG.KZ on the topic "Ultrasound diagnosis of ascites and laparocentesis". The invited speaker was Kakharman Izbasarovich Yesmembetov, Ph.D., Vice-President of the Association of Hepatologists, Gastroenterologists and Transplantologists “GastroHepatoTransplantGroup Astana”, doctor of the Aachen University Hospital (Germany).

During the master class the residents - gastroenterologists - practiced the skills of ultrasound of the hepatobiliary zone and laparocentesis under ultrasound control. The master class gave an opportunity to see the model of manipulation, which conforms to European recommendations. The visit to the National Scientific Center for Oncology left a special impression, an opportunity to get acquainted with the staff of this medical organization, to see the structure and therapeutic and diagnostic potential of the clinic.

We express our gratitude to the Department of Internal Medicine and the School of Residency and Professional Development for the opportunity to participate in the annual Republican Congress, as well as for participating in a unique master class.



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