Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Practice-oriented clinical psychology

Practice-oriented clinical psychology

19 June 2023

On June 15-16, 2023, the annual scientific and practical conference with international participation «Topical issues of clinical psychology of the Republic of Kazakhstan» was held in Medical University of Karaganda, dedicated to the memory of associate Professor of the Department of Psychiatry of the KSMU, psychotherapist Lyudmila Gurova Stepanovna. In 2023, the conference is organized as a hybrid and thus is extremely convenient for fellow psychologists from other regions of Kazakhstan.

At the plenary session, the Chairman of the Board - Rector of the NOJSC "Medical University of Karaganda", Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Anar Akylbekovna Turmukhambetova made a welcoming speech, noting the practical orientation of the conference, which annually gains momentum and expands its contacts and influence. 

At the plenary and breakout sessions, many reports were made on the organization of the work of a clinical psychologist in somatic and psychiatric clinics in Kazakhstan and Russia, the speakers shared their knowledge and innovations that they had mastered in mental practice. As part of the pre-conference on June 15, 6 master classes were held that were interesting and relevant for practicing psychologists.

The meeting in a year in May 2024 is the desire of all participants and the organizational plan of the course of psychiatry of the NOJSC MUK.

Associate Professor

of the Department of Neurology,

Psychiatry and Rehabilitation of the NOJSC MUK.

Matsievskaya L.L.



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