Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
A new approach to the learning process

A new approach to the learning process

05 May 2023

On 27.04.2023, a practical workshop under the guidance of Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Kabieva S.M., with the introduction of a new form of assessment of theoretical knowledge and analysis of an interesting clinical case was held on the basis of the Regional Children's Clinical Hospital. Residents of the 2nd year of study in the specialty in Adult and Pediatric Cardiology, as well as the clinical ordinator Elizaveta Ermolaeva from the Russian National Research Medical University in Moscow, who is undergoing an internship at our university, took part in the studying by academic mobility program

A new form of theoretical knowledge assessment was tested at the seminar - a blitz survey on the website www.padlet.com.Residents were divided into 4 groups.11 questions were asked online on the site, each of which was given 2 minutes to discuss and answer.At the end, the scores were calculated, as well as a detailed analysis of the answers to each question.Each of the residents gave feedback.Many advantages were noted - a simple and convenient format, training of teamwork, the ability to use this method of testing the knowledge of the online mode. But the disadvantages were also noted - the answers of other teams are visible on the site, the ability to edit answers to questions that have already been answered. In general, this method is by far superior to the knowledge evaluation in the test format, because the questions were open-ended and it was necessary to give a complete answer using clinical thinking. Our guest from Moscow also gave high marks to the creative teaching approach

Then there was an analysis of an interesting clinical case of a patient with an open atrioventricular canal, which was represented by Ermolaeva E.

When analyzing the case, Elizabeth explained all the subtleties of the pathology, focused on the physiological characteristics of young children. In the course of the classic narration of the clinical case, the residents were asked questions about the pathogenesis of symptoms, their conversion into syndromes and suspected diseases to make a differential diagnosis. By the end of the practical workshop, none of the residents had any blank spots about the discussed pathology.



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