Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Diploma of III degree for participation in the conference

Diploma of III degree for participation in the conference

24 March 2023

On March 15, the All-Russian Scientific-Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists "SPERANSKIYE READINGS" was held at Speransky Children's Hospital No.9 in honor of the 150th anniversary of academician G.N. Speransky and the 100thanniversary of the Children's City Clinical Hospital No.9 named after G.N. Speransky. The event was held in a hybrid format. The resident neonatologists of the Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology of NCJSC "KMU" prepared 8 abstracts and 2 oral reports on topical issues of neonatology in the sections: "Research papers" and "Clinical cases".

The relevance of the topic of the first oral report "Risk factors of low birth weight babies with perinatal hypoxia" which was stated by us (residents Omirzak A.A., Myrzagulov M.T.), aroused lively interest among scientists and practitioners. The topic of the second oral report "Transposition of the great vessels in a newborn: a clinical case" reported by the resident Bapina G.S. included the management of the patient from diagnosis to discharge.

The use of new technologies in a timely manner, the optimal period for treatment is the first week of life which made it possible to avoid the lethal outcome of this patient.  The scientific supervisor of these works was Professor S.T. Kizatova.  According to the results of performances in two nominations, our works were evaluated with diplomas of the III degree.  In conclusion, the participants thanked the organizers of the conference and expressed their hope for further cooperation. 

We congratulate the winners, participants and wish them new achievements, gaining great scientific and practical experience! 



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