Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Happy Medical Worker's Day!

Happy Medical Worker's Day!

24 June 2022

On June 16, a solemn meeting dedicated to the celebration of the Day of the medical worker was held at the "Medical University of Karaganda"NCJSC.

       The profession of a doctor is rightfully considered one of the most respected and noble in the world. That is why the Day of the Medical Worker is a tribute to those who have connected their profession with medicine, devoting themselves to preserving the health and life of people.

     The solemn event began with a congratulatory speech of the Acting Chairman of the Board-Rector of the "Medical University of Karaganda" NCJSC A.A. Turmukhambetova.  Congratulating colleagues on their professional holiday, Anar Akylbekovna held an award ceremony for the best employees of the university based on the results of work in 2022.

    For high professionalism and conscientious work, the medals " Еңбек ардагері " of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan were awarded:

1. Abushakhmanova Aigul Khamitovna – Professor of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Evidence-based Medicine;

2. Abdigozhina Bakhytgul – doctor of functional and ultrasound diagnostics of the clinic of professional health;

3. Murzhakov Kabi Akanovich – cardiologist at the Medical University Clinic;

4. Herman Tatiana Petrovna -  nurse at a dental clinic.

The badge " Денсаулық сақтау ісінің үздігі " (Excellent health worker) was awarded:

1. Dyusenova Sandugash Bolatovna – Professor of the Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology;

2. Kenzhetaeva Tattigul Alievna – Professor of the Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology;

3. Taizhanova Dana Zhumagalievna – Professor of the Department of Internal Diseases;

4. Kayyrbekova Karlygash Kayyrbekovna – Assistant Professor of the Department of Morphology and Physiology;

5. Gitenis Natalia Vladimirovna – Assistant Professor of the Department of Morphology and Physiology;

6. Kamyshansky Evgeny Konstantinovich - pathologist at the clinic of the Medical University.

The badge " Денсаулық сақтау ісіне қосқан үлесі үшін " (For contribution to the health care) was awarded:

1. Tuleutaeva Svetlana Toleuovna – Professor of the School of Dentistry;

2. Omarova Sholpan Kabidenovna – Associate Professor of the Department of Neurology, Psychiatry and Rehabilitation;

3. Nurseitova Kulash Tleulesovna – Associate Professor of the Department of Morphology and Physiology;

4. Dyusembayeva Ainash Ermukhanovna – Assistant Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Phthisiology.

Honorary diplomas of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan were awarded to:

1. Urmashov Alexander Nikolaevich – compliance officer;

2. Zhumalieva Vera Aleksandrovna – Associate Professor of the Department of Oncology and Radiation Diagnostics;

3. Kenzhetaeva Zamira Azievna – Assistant of the Department of Family Medicine;

4. Zhumadilova Aisulu Soltanbekovna – trainee assistant at the School of Dentistry;

5. Asanova Aigul Mazhitovna – Acting Chief physician of the Clinic of professional Health;

6. Nikitin Andrey Vladimirovich – dentist of the dental clinic;

7. Bakhareva Raisa Grigoryevna – radiologist of the clinic of professional health;

8. Pogulyaeva Valentina Maksimovna – senior nurse of the clinic of the Medical University;

9. Frills Lyubov Germanovna – commandant.

The gratitude of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan were noted:

1. Musabekova Saule Amangeldievna – Professor of the Department of Pathology;

2. Vlasova Lenina Mikhailovna – Professor of the School of Pharmacy;

3. Feoktistov Vitaly Alexandrovich – Assistant Professor of the Department of Surgical Diseases;

4. Suleimenova Aidana Muratovna – Deputy Chief Physician;

5. Zhumagulova Rosa Orysbaikyzy – X-ray laboratory assistant of the dental clinic;

6. Abdrakhmanova Roste Kanashevna – a nurse of the procedural clinic of professional health.

According to the results of the competition "The best in the profession of "MUK" NCJSC, the winners in the nominations were:

1. "The best pediatrician" - Kenzhetaeva Tattigul Alievna;

2. "The best doctor of therapeutic profile" – Bakirova Ryszhan Emelevna;

3. "The best doctor of surgical profile pathologist" Tusupbekova Maida Maskhapovna;

4. "The best nurse" – Pogulyaeva Valentina Maksimovna.

   Jubilee medals "30 years of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan" were awarded to the following employees of the Medical University of Karaganda:

1. Chief of the Civil Defense Staff, Colonel Zinin Alexander Mikhailovich;

2. Senior lecturer of the military department, veteran of the Afghan War, colonel of the medical service Baltynov Gabdulla Zaidanovich;

3. Senior lecturer of the Military Department, Lieutenant Colonel Dauletov Sergey Baesovich;

4. Methodologist-instructor of the military department, Ensign Dembovskaya Tatiana Grigorievna.

      At the conclusion of the gala evening, the best performers and dance groups of the university presented their art to the employees of the university. Dana Yeralieva and Ulan Ermekov performed the "Anthem of the CMU" in the state and Russian languages, the dance group "Laula" and the dance theater "Golden Step" delighted their fans with an incendiary Spanish dance and a charming waltz, the audience really liked the composition "Waltz" performed by Maksat Didenov. However, two numbers caused the greatest success among the audience: the song of Shamshi Kaldayakov " Арқалықтың ақ таңы " performed by the teacher of the Department of Pathology Zhalmakhanov Murat Sharapatuly and the Turkish smash hit "Kim arar" performed by the head of the language development center Marina Abilzhanovna Maretbaeva. The audience in the auditorium was pleasantly surprised by the vocal level of their colleagues.

   The unofficial anthem of all medical workers "People in white coats", performed by Ulan Ermekov, completed the solemn concert with a powerful final chord.

   We wish all medical workers success in their professional activities, excellent health and family well-being!

                                                                             Youth Work Department



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