Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Distance Learning at MUK

Distance Learning at MUK

08 April 2020

Since 2012, an IT campus has been created at the «Medical University of Karaganda", which made it possible in an emergency to flexibly turn from F2F learning to distance learning.

Currently, this IT infrastructure in the KMU provides teachers and students with full access to e-Libraries; maintains active communication between employees, teachers, and students through Outlook; internal correspondence on management issues is carried out through #Documentolog, and the entire workflow is carried out on the basis of the corporate #SharePoint Portal. The e-document management system for the educational process is implemented on the #Platonus. The students' portal and the internal employees' portal allow working efficiently in the document repository.

The university classrooms are empty, all employees are working in distance, but this did not affect the quality of the provision of educational material for students using ZOOM, MSTeams, Webex and other web communications for interactions and discussions in teaching and learning. Despite the remote work, almost all teachers note that students have been active in distance learning. The created intellectual climate is a platform created by the university not overnight related to the emergency but over the past 5 years. Created since 2015 on YouTube, its own channel #youkgmu contains more than 150 video lectures, practical training, and laboratory classes, as well as videos for training clinical skills. Students receive assignments through Platonus, and in the process of completing assignments, they receive timely feedback from their teachers. In fact, it is impossible to become a doctor by studying only books.

For students, there are video lessons on basic medical manipulations, involving the training of skills on mannequins or simulators. In this situation, the student can visually see how certain skills are performed that require a clear implementation of the algorithm of skills. In addition to theoretical material and video lessons, students receive assignments on the Open Labyrinth online platform with a set of clinical cases for the prevention of medical errors, developed as part of the TAME Erasmus Plus Project. The developed clinical scenarios develop students' clinical thinking skills; the student independently chooses the tactics of managing and treating the patient, while the outcome of the patient’s disease depends on the scenario options chosen by the student.

In the distance format, training is also underway on additional programs. Today, there are a large number of free online seminars that need to increase professional competence.

The quick reaction of students and teachers to the new situation created mobilized internal intellectual resources for distance communication. All participants of the educational process and structural divisions of MUK show mutual understanding, mutual support, demonstrate high responsibility for ensuring the smooth functioning of the university. While we work in distance, we value each other and each employee more and more, we understand the value of not only classroom teaching or office work, but also the importance and value of human relationships built in the university staff for years! Because we are a team of  KMU !

G.S. Kemelova,

Director of the Center for Simulation and Educational Technologies



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