Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Great Names of the Great Steppe

Great Names of the Great Steppe

04 March 2020

On February 28, 2020, the Department of Foreign Languages held the scientific and theoretical conference of young scientists “Rukhani zhangyru - great names of the great step” as a part of the implementation of the Rukhani Zhangyru program. The conference was attended by students of higher educational institutions (KSU, KEUK, NC JSC "KMU", CKA "Lingua"), college students (Karaganda humanitarian college, Karaganda commercial college), as well as schoolchildren (school- lyceum No. 101, school-gymnasium No. 102, school No. 77, NIS).

The main aim of the conference was to stimulate research activities of students, to raise their awareness of the solution of scientific problems of contemporaneity, and to reveal the intellectual potential of students.

  Students prepared reports on the main conference topics: “Kazakh folklore reflection in the educational system of Kazakhstan”, “Educational aspects of spiritual heritage in the works of Kazakh enlighteners” (2 subsections), “Art and Сulture: then and now”, “They are the pride of Kazakhstan”. The best reports were presented at the plenary session.

  In total, there were 63 participants of the conference. According to the results of 5 breakout sessions, the following students were awarded with memorable prizes:

1st place: Sharipova A., Tatamanova Z., Ilinskiy M., Kurmanbek I., Khantore B.

2nd place: Batyrkhan N., Buranbayeva A., Aushekenov A., Aliakparov A., Nurlan A., Islambek A., Nazhmetdinov A.

3rd place: Duisen A., Zeinelkabdenova D., Tuschanova B., Zhanserik I., Makhsumova D., Bekenova A.

  Conference proceedings were published in the electronic format.



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