Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Career guidance work of the Department of pathology

Career guidance work of the Department of pathology

21 January 2020

On January 13, 2020, teachers of the Department of pathology Zhienbayeva Kymbat Muratkyzy, Arinova Saparkul Makhambetalievna, and Irina Baryshnikova conducted career guidance work at the MSI of gymnasium No. 9 and the MSI of school No. 5 in Karaganda. There were visits to one eleventh and two ninth grades in the Municipal state institution of gymnasium No. 9, the total number of students covered in the work is 75 people of three ninth and one eleventh grades in the MSI school No. 5, the number of students is 77 people. During the work, discussions were held by the followings: the structure of the University, schools and educational programs. Teachers answered to questions from students, conducted introductory work through presentations, videos about the life of the University.



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