Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Patriotic Song Contest «Менің Қазақстаным»

Patriotic Song Contest «Менің Қазақстаным»

09 December 2019

On the eve of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the patriotic songs were sounded in the assembly hall of the university in the frame of «Туған жер» project of «Рухани жаңғыру» program. University students took part in the regional competition «Менің Қазақстаным».

Performing such songs is not easy, shared the contestants. The preparation was serious. Previously, qualifying rounds that determined the best performers were held at universities.

All compositions sounded about the Motherland and spiritual values of independent Kazakhstan.

In addition to the students of the Karaganda Medical University, the participants of the creative competition were the representatives of KarSU named after E.A.Buketov, KarSTU, KEU, CKA and Bolashak Academy. In the frame of event, the audience was presented the numbers of creative circles.

Competent jury consisting of 5 members the head of the “Awa entertainment” production center A.Kapasova, the head of the department of MD «Қоғамдық келісім»  D.Zhasarov, the soloist of the Concert Association named after Kali Bayzhanov A.Karabayanova, representative of the Republican public association "Union of war veterans" S.Kulzhambekova  and teacher of the art college named after Tattimbet E.Borisova, allocated the places as follows:

III place - Bogen Diaz (KEU);

 II place  - Moldakash Shyngys (KSTU);

 I place - Esengul Ayganym (KMU),

 Meney Zhuldyz (KEU)won the Grand Prix.

Participants of the vocal circle (head Dana Eralieva) responsibly prepared for the patriotic song contest and took an active part in its conduct.



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