Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Piloting the materials on Qualitative research andDevelopment projects in nursing

Piloting the materials on Qualitative research andDevelopment projects in nursing

16 October 2019

Master class “Piloting the materials on Qualitative research and Development projects in nursing" was held at the School of Medicine of Nazarbayev University, with the organization of the Medical University of Karaganda (Kazakhstan) and the University of Applied Sciences JAMK (Finland) in the city of Nur-Sultan from October 7 to 11, 2019.

The master class was organized as part of the ProInCa project. During the master class, materials were tested, intended for applied and academic bachelors and undergraduates in nursing, and proposals were also collected to improve the prepared teaching materials.

The master class was attended by teachers of medical universities, higher medical colleges, colleges, as well as academic specialists. Medical University of Karaganda took part in the event: director of the department of academic work A.B. Tashetova, teacher of the Department of Nursing I.B. Meyermanova, master student of the specialty “Public Health” Zh.M. Kuanysh.

The organizers and coordinators of the European partners were: Johanna Heikkilä, PhD, Senior Advisor, ProInCa project, School of Health and Social Studies University of Applied Sciences JAMK, Hanna Hopia, PhD, Principal lecturer University of Applied Sciences JAMK, Alberta T. (Bettie) Oosterhoff, PhD, Lecturer and researcher, Cultural Anthropology & Health, Hanze University of Applied Sciences, School of Health Care Studies, Groningen (Netherlands).

Zh.M. Kuanysh

Master student of the specialty

“Public Health” 



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