Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Anniversary conference of ROSMEDOBR 2019

Anniversary conference of ROSMEDOBR 2019

10 October 2019

On October 2-5, 2019, the 10th International Conference “ROSMEDOBR-2019. Innovative teaching technologies in medicine” and the VIII Congress of the Russian society of simulation training in medicine“ ROSOMED-2019 ” were held. The event was supported by the Ministry of Health of Russia and the International Association of Medical Education (AMEE).

The conference was attended by Viktor Riklefs, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of NAO "KMU" with presentation "Organization of the simulation phase of the primary specialized accreditation"; "Achieving excellence in the development of simulation training". Kemelova Gulshat Seitmuratovna, director of the center for simulation and educational technologies made the oral presentation the “Variety of OSCE: 12 years of experience of NAO “KMU”.  Postgraduate student Zarovniy Kirill Vladimirovich made a oral presentation “Experience in using Anatomage Table in the educational process”.  The reports aroused great interest among the audience with heated discussion about our experience in applying simulation technology in medical education.

The "Star cast of speakers" of the anniversary conference included:

- Professor Ronald M. Harden, Founder and Secretary General of the International Association for Medical Education (AMEE), author of a number of common methods in medical education, including OSCE,

- Professor Trevor Gibbs, President of AMEE, Director for Development of AMEE in the CIS countries,

- Dr. David Taylor, Professor of Medical Education at Gulf Medical University

- Dr. Abdulaziz Boker, Director of the Center for Clinical Skills and Simulation Technologies, Professor of the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care at the College of Medicine and Hospital at King Abdul-Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

- Guzel Ulumbekova, MD, MBA in Healthcare Management (Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health), expert of the central headquarters of the All-Russian People's Front (ONF) in the field of healthcare and public health.

Key topics of the conference were continuing medical education and experience in the accreditation of healthcare professions, increasing the efficiency of using simulation equipment, improving the development of competencies, practical skills.

One of the most impressive lectures was the Plenary session by Ronald Harden “Excellence in Education: Important Controversial, Actual Aspects” and the Plenary presentation by Trevor Gibbs, “The Right Approach to Assessment: Some Simple Rules.”

Viktor Riklefs, NAO “KMU”,

Gulshat Kemelova, NAO “KMU”,

Kirill Zarovniy, NAO “KMU”.



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